TLR Survival Guide For New Users

What Kind of Poster Are You?

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Nov 18, 2012
Mother Earth
Hello! Welcome to the The Locker Room also known as Troll Central!

In this guide you will learn how not to get exposed, banned, & what to expect on a day to day basis.

First thing you need to know about is a dude named ****.

WARNING: Ladies, if you are attractive in any way then you will be accused of being **** & will most likely have your personal life invaded & then will be run off of this site.

Who's **** you say? **** is a guy that actively goes on different forum sites pretending to be attractive women & bombards these forums with thousands of posts a day. Most of the guys in TLR are homophobic so **** is a very serious matter & should be terminated IMMEDIATELY.

Getting Exposed:
In TLR getting exposed means one of the "big bad wolves" will find your personal sites, pictures, & videos, make an announcement to get everyone's attention & showcase the things that they found.

The way that they find these things is if you trust ANYONE on this site & give them any information, nude pictures, WHATEVER! Oh, & 9 out of 10 times if you give a guy your nude pictures, it will be exposed. So yeah, don't do that.
Also, when uploading your avi's or any pictures, DO NOT upload them from any of your personal sites as they can do a simple "google image search" which tracks down the site that the picture came from. So again, don't do that.Go to & upload them there.

Getting Banned:
  • First things first, don't be ****.
  • Second, play by the rules. (Yes, regardless of all of the fukkery going on & even though guys on here talk about women getting raped like it's a joke, there are surprisingly still rules that need to be followed).

What to Expect:
  • Expect a lot of homophobic dudes,
  • Dudes that are scared of attractive women so they run them off of this site,
  • SIMPS (guys that overly flirt with you & are EXTREMELY thirsty), trolls (people that say stupid shyt to get people's attention & feel some sort of acceptance whenever they get a dap (like),
  • Ugly female posters that hate on the attractive ones for no reason,
  • Attractive female posters that are immediately branded an attention whore just for being attractive,
  • Multiple threads about the same posters such as **** or PhoenixKnightly (which is one of the most attractive females on this site :wink:
  • Guys that practically LIVE on this forum & believe that it is their duty to protect the site aka ****-Watch. Also make sure that you post a thread in the correct section or else they'll cry about it until it is moved.
  • We also have the few posters that are highly respected & have their asses kissed on the daily & receive 100 daps for posting a simple smiley like this -->:hamster:, &
  • You have the posters that are so desperate to become one of those highly respected posters & they post all kinds of shyt hoping that they'll receive that status (:sadcam:), &
  • & Ofcourse you have the lazy users that only like to look at pictures of naked women or porn videos so they see a thread like this one & post this-------->


So ENJOY the fukkery, stay safe & be careful who you trust with your important information & pics! :troll:

p.s. Also ladies, whenever you feel like posting emotional shyt, post it in the ladies thoughts thread because you will be disrespected if you do that.... EVEN IF the male posters post emotional shyt talking about their gf left them, we still have no god-given right to post anywhere but our designated thread.
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Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
That's a lot to read but I can't hate, looks like a bit of useful information for people. Even though a lot of it is obvious if you lurk for a bit.

Also the part about imgur being safer, reverse image searching doesn't work that way. Also, some posters are attention whores who just happen to be somewhat attractive.

yo moms

Mar 19, 2013
I paved my own way. I'm one of the last REAL posters left. Pay your respects :wow: