DC Comics has always led the charge when it comes to non-Harlem behavior
DC Comics has always led the charge when it comes to non-Harlem behavior
I don’t know how many of you actually read New Teen Titans, especially during the Perez era when it was POPPING and just as popular as the X-Men in the 80’s, but this casting doesn’t make me feel any type of way. If anything, if they were going to queer up a character for TV diversity the. Jericho was the perfect choice since he was moist advance he’ll when 1st introduced.
It should’ve read “moist as hell”...what?
"Self identifies as deaf...":baldhuh:
So is breh really deaf or did he just willfully decide to live that I can't hear you lifestyle:baldhuh:
I looked it up and apparently Chella could hear normal until 4, then started getting progressive hearing loss. By 3rd grade had to start learning sign language to help in situations where hearing wasn't good enough anymore. Eventually got cochlear implants otherwise wouldn't be able to hear at all. So Chella can hear, but only because of the implants, and uses sign language instead of talking depending on the situation.
So I guess "identities as deaf" sort of makes sense. They could choose to consider themselves deaf or not.
I figured it was something like that cause my cousin is the same way. She's had progressive vision loss to the point where now she can't see anything unless it's directly in front of her and no more than a couple feet away. So now she has a seeing eye dog to help her get around and she calls herself blind, even though technically she can still see somewhat and has never been completely completely blind.
I ain't co-signing the rest of everything though.
:baldhuh: at this whole post
So did your cousin...ever try to just wear glasses:baldhuh:
WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!So is breh really deaf or did he just willfully decide to live that I can't hear you lifestyle:baldhuh:
The character is mute and he bisexual filthy casualCame to troll.. but the character is deaf and bisexual so this makes sense...