
Nov 1, 2015
originally posted here: Mods I know yall are “busy” but Twitter ➡️ “X” embeds gotta start working

[replace with ]​

used bing chat to create a userscript that replaces and occurrence of or with
it'll only replace the text in the input field on thecoli when bbcode is enabled.


i was doing ctrl-v and as you can see it automatically changed to
if you have a link in html mode editor and switch to bbcode editor, the url won't change immediately, you'll have to press space, type something or hit ENTER inside the field for it to change. theres a small annoying cursor position issue i couldn't get rid of without causing other bugs.

Toggle the "BB code" button and then the buttons to the left should turn grey.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Replace URLs with URLs
// @namespace
// @description Replaces URLs containing "" or "" with "".
// @author Author Name
// @version 1.0
// @match*
// @match*/post-thread
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

// Function to get the current cursor position in a text input field
function getCursorPosition(input) {
let position = 0;
if ('selectionStart' in input) {
position = input.selectionStart;
} else if (document.selection) {
let selection = document.selection.createRange();
selection.moveStart('character', -input.value.length);
position = selection.text.length;
return position;

// Function to set the cursor position in a text input field
function setCursorPosition(input, position) {
if (input.setSelectionRange) {
input.setSelectionRange(position, position);
} else if (input.createTextRange) {
let range = input.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', position);
range.moveStart('character', position);;

// Function to replace URLs in text input fields
function replaceURLs(event) {
// Get all editable fields on the page
let editableFields = document.querySelectorAll('[contenteditable="true"],');

// Get the target element of the event
let target =;

// Check if the target is a text input field or an editable field
if (target.matches('textarea.input') || editableFields.includes(target)) {
// Save the current cursor position
let cursorPosition = getCursorPosition(target);

// Replace URLs in the value or innerHTML of the target element
let lines = target.value ? target.value.split('\n') : target.innerHTML.split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/https:\/\/(www\.)?x\.com/g, '');
if (i === cursorPosition.line) {
cursorPosition.column = lines[i].length;
target.value ? target.value = lines.join('\n') : target.innerHTML = lines.join('\n');

// Restore the cursor position
setCursorPosition(target, cursorPosition);

// Function to prevent cursor movement by arrow keys
//    function preventCursorMovement(event) {
// Check if the key pressed is left or right arrow
//        if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 39) {
// Prevent the default behavior of the key
//        }
//    }

// Add event listeners for input and keydown events on the document
document.addEventListener('input', replaceURLs);
//    document.addEventListener('keydown', preventCursorMovement);

A,I generated instructions:
Here are the step-by-step instructions to add the userscript to Chrome or Firefox:
For Chrome:

  1. Install the Tampermonkey extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Once Tampermonkey is installed, click on the Tampermonkey icon in the toolbar and select “Create a new script…”
  3. Paste your userscript into the editor and save it.
  4. The userscript should now be installed and will run whenever you visit a page that matches its @match or @include rules.
For Firefox:

  1. Install the Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey extension from the Firefox Add-ons site.
  2. Once Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey is installed, click on the Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey icon in the toolbar and select “Add a new script…”
  3. Paste your userscript into the editor and save it.
  4. The userscript should now be installed and will run whenever you visit a page that matches its @match or @include rules.
you can also use the userscript on android with firefox or kiwi browser.

since twitter officially changed it's links to, I updated the userscript to work in html editor mode as well as bbcode editor mode. so anytime you paste a or url it'll automatically replace the domain with making the embeds work seamlessly since the site addons haven't been updated to support

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Replace URLs with URLs
// @namespace
// @description  Replaces URLs containing "" or "" with "".
// @author       Author Name
// @version      1.3
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Function to get the current cursor position in a text input field
    function getCursorPosition(input) {
        let position = 0;
        if ('selectionStart' in input) {
            position = input.selectionStart;
        } else if (document.selection) {
            let selection = document.selection.createRange();
            selection.moveStart('character', -input.value.length);
            position = selection.text.length;
        return position;

    // Function to set the cursor position in a text input field
    function setCursorPosition(input, position) {
        if (input.setSelectionRange) {
            input.setSelectionRange(position, position);
        } else if (input.createTextRange) {
            let range = input.createTextRange();
            range.moveEnd('character', position);
            range.moveStart('character', position);

    // Function to replace URLs in text input fields and editable areas
    function replaceURLs(event) {
        // Get all editable fields on the page
        let editableFields = document.querySelectorAll('[contenteditable="true"],, textarea.input');

        editableFields.forEach(function(field) {
            // Save the current cursor position
            let cursorPosition = getCursorPosition(field);

            // Replace URLs in the value or innerHTML of the field
            let value = field.value || field.innerHTML;
            let newValue = value.replace(/https:\/\/(www\.)?x\.com/g, '');

            if (value !== newValue) {
                if (field.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || field.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
                    field.value = newValue;
                } else {
                    field.innerHTML = newValue;

                // Restore the cursor position
                let newCursorPosition = getCursorPosition(field);
                if (newCursorPosition > cursorPosition) {
                    setCursorPosition(field, newCursorPosition - (value.length - newValue.length));
                } else {
                    setCursorPosition(field, newCursorPosition);

            // Check if the user pressed Enter
            if (event.type === 'keydown' && event.key === 'Enter') {
                // Save the current cursor position
                cursorPosition = getCursorPosition(field);

                // Replace URLs in the new line
                let lines = (field.value || field.innerHTML).split('\n');
                lines[cursorPosition.line] = lines[cursorPosition.line].replace(/https:\/\/(www\.)?x\.com/g, '');
                if (field.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || field.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
                    field.value = lines.join('\n');
                } else {
                    field.innerHTML = lines.join('\n');

                // Restore the cursor position
                let newCursorPosition = getCursorPosition(field);
                if (newCursorPosition > cursorPosition) {
                    setCursorPosition(field, newCursorPosition - (value.length - lines.join('\n').length));
                } else {
                    setCursorPosition(field, newCursorPosition);

    // Add event listeners for input and keydown events on the document
    document.addEventListener('input', replaceURLs);
    document.addEventListener('keydown', replaceURLs);


**Version 1.0 to Version 1.3**

1. **Expanded Functionality**:
- The script now handles both text input fields and editable areas (with the `contenteditable="true"` attribute) on the web pages.
- The script now replaces URLs in the BBCode editor mode, in addition to the HTML editor mode.

2. **Improved Cursor Position Handling**:
- The script now correctly restores the cursor position after replacing URLs, even when the text length changes.
- The script now handles the case where the user presses the Enter key, replacing URLs in the new line and restoring the cursor position correctly.

3. **Expanded Matching Patterns**:
- The script now matches URLs with both the "" and "" patterns.

4. **Improved Readability and Maintainability**:
- The script has been reorganized and formatted for better readability and maintainability.
- The script now uses more descriptive variable and function names.

5. **Increased Robustness**:
- The script now handles edge cases more gracefully, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Overall, the changes from Version 1.0 to Version 1.3 have significantly improved the functionality, reliability, and user experience of the script.[/icode]
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O³ (O cubed)

No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Mar 8, 2017
Hackney, London
Can somebody show me how to post a pic?

It seems so arduous to find a third party hosting site, upload a pic then trying to embed it.


Nov 1, 2015
Can somebody show me how to post a pic?

It seems so arduous to find a third party hosting site, upload a pic then trying to embed it. for SFW images and Upload Image — Free Image Hosting for NSFW images.

when you go to either site if the image is in your clipboard than just press Ctrl+V when you are on the homepage. and it'll upload the image in your clipboard. if you have you need to select an image from a folder on your harddrive than click upload on or "new post" on imgur.

when the image is uploaded just right click on the uploaded image and select "Copy Image Address". come back to the coli and press "insert image" in html editor menu.

paste the image link inside and click 'Insert'.

you can also manually type in the bbcode [IMG][/IMG] , thats [IMG] and [/IMG]
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Nov 1, 2015
used llama-3-sonar-large-32k-chat LLM to create a userscript that can automatically convert or tweet links to twitter embeds, it'll also automatically convert urls that you post to to save time from having to correctly embed the link.



wasn't able to host the code on the coli for some reason.. :francis:

**Layman's Summary:**

This userscript is a tool that helps convert links from `` to Twitter embeds on specific websites. It does two main things:

1. **Converts links**: When you're browsing certain websites, the script automatically converts any links from `` that contain "/status/" into a Twitter embed, which allows you to view the tweet directly on the page.
2. **Replaces URLs**: The script also replaces any `` URLs in text input fields and editable areas with `` URLs, making it easier to share Twitter links.
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Nov 1, 2015

This userscript makes it easier to share and view social media posts on a specific online forum. Here's what it does:

* When someone shares a link to a Mastodon, Twitter, or post, the script replaces the link with the actual post content, so you can see the post directly on the forum without having to click on the link.
* It makes the posts look nice and fit well on the forum page.
* It also adds a few extra features, like allowing you to view Twitter posts on a different website called Twstalker.
* When you're typing a message on the forum, the script will automatically replace any Twitter links you type with the correct format, so you don't have to worry about formatting them correctly.
* If someone shares a link to an image on Twitter (Twimg), the script will replace the link with a direct link to the image, so you can see the image right away.
* If someone shares a link to a Reddit preview image, the script will replace the link with a direct link to the image on Reddit, so you can see the full image.

Overall, it makes it easier to share and engage with social media content on the forum, and makes the experience more convenient and visually appealing.

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Nov 1, 2015
got a bookmarklet to extract tweets from Nitter ( the twitter mirro that doesn't require an account to see replies or a timeline. i converted my original bookmarklet to work for the site.

*AI Generated:

Here's a summary of what the code does, explained in simple terms:

**Step 1: Find Tweets**

* The code looks at the webpage and finds all the tweets on it.
* It counts how many tweets it found and stops if it didn't find any.

**Step 2: Get Tweet Links**

* The code goes through each tweet and finds the link to the tweet.
* It changes the link to point to Twitter instead of the current website.
* It adds the link to a list of tweet links.

**Step 3: Get Tweet Text**

* The code goes through each tweet link and finds the text of the tweet.
* It fixes any links in the tweet text to make them look nice.
* It adds the tweet text to a list of tweet texts.

**Step 4: Get Image Links**

* The code goes through each tweet and finds any images in the tweet.
* It changes the image links to point to Twitter instead of the current website.
* It adds the image links to a list of image links.

**Step 5: Make a Nice Text**

* The code takes all the tweet texts and image links and makes a nice, formatted text.
* It adds some extra information to the text, like the link to the tweet thread.

**Step 6: Make a Copy Button**

* The code creates a button on the webpage that says "Copy Tweets".
* When you click the button, it does some magic to copy the nice text to your clipboard.

**Step 7: Copy Text**

* When you click the button, the code copies the nice text to your clipboard.
* It shows a little message to let you know that it worked.
* It then removes the button and the message from the webpage.

That's it

used Claude Sonnet 3.5 to adapt it.
works on but it can work on other nitter instances.
fixed an issue i had trouble figuring out because the copy to clipboard function wasn't working so as a work around the old code has a button you had to press to copy to clipboard. now thats not necessary.

update code:

COde modified with Llama-3-sonar-large-32k-chat

The main difference between the original bookmarklet and the updated bookmarklet is in the way they handle the tweet text formatting. The updated bookmarklet includes additional code to preserve newlines in the tweet text by replacing `<br>` tags with `\n` and replacing `&nbsp;` with regular spaces. This ensures that the tweet text is formatted correctly when copied to the clipboard.

Here is the specific code that was added to the updated bookmarklet:

tweetText = tweetText.replace(/<br[^>]*>/g, '\n');
tweetText = tweetText.replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');

These lines of code replace `<br>` tags with newlines (`\n`) and replace non-breaking spaces (`&nbsp;`) with regular spaces. This helps to maintain the original line breaks and spacing in the tweet text when it is copied to the clipboard.

#### Changes

- **Improved Tweet Text Formatting**: The bookmarklet now preserves newlines in tweet text by replacing `<br>` tags with `\n` and replacing `&nbsp;` with regular spaces.
- **Enhanced Image URL Collection**: The bookmarklet now collects image URLs more efficiently by using `flatMap` and `map` functions.
- **Refactored Code**: The code has been refactored for better readability and maintainability.

The updated bookmarklet now formats tweet text more accurately by preserving line breaks and spacing. It also collects image URLs more efficiently, making it easier to copy and share tweet threads. The code has been improved for better performance and readability.

**When using `Command()` in a bookmarklet, use encoded single quotes around the command string**

Instead of:`Command('copy');
Use: Command(%27copy%27);

This will help you avoid the "was denied because it was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler" error in Firefox.

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Nov 1, 2015
amended the bookmarklet to extract tweets from Nitter ( so that it would only get text replies from the original author and not from all users like the old code did.

used llama-3.1-70b-instruct:

Changelog Summary
  • Added a check for the tweet author in the forEach loops to only process tweets from the original user.
  • Added a tweetAuthor variable to store the author of each tweet.
  • Modified the forEach loops to filter out tweets from other users.
  • Modified the flatMap function to filter out images from other users.
Note: The diff only shows the changes made to the original code. The rest of the code remains the same.

updated 8/18/2024

fixed a big where some tweets didn't get extracted.


* Initial code:
+ Collected tweets from a Twitter thread on Nitter
+ Extracted tweet text and images
+ Formatted text and images into a single string
+ Copied string to clipboard
* Changes:
+ Added null checks for `username` and `tweetContent` elements to prevent errors
+ Modified code to access `href` attribute of `tweet-link` element correctly
+ Used `URL` API to construct full URL from relative URL
+ Added check to ensure `tweetAuthor` element is not null before accessing its `textContent` property
+ Modified code to correctly extract URLs for tweets and include them in "thread continued" spoiler
* Final code:
+ Collected tweets from a Twitter thread on Nitter
+ Extracted tweet text and images
+ Formatted text and images into a single string
+ Copied string to clipboard
+ Correctly extracted URLs for tweets and included them in "thread continued" spoiler

**Layman's Summary**

This code is a bookmarklet that helps you collect tweets from a Twitter thread on Nitter, a Twitter proxy website. It extracts the text and images from each tweet, formats them into a single string, and copies the string to your clipboard.

Initially, the code had some issues that caused errors, but we fixed them by adding some checks to make sure the code doesn't crash. We also modified the code to correctly extract the URLs for the tweets, so you can easily share them with others.

Now, the code works smoothly and correctly extracts the tweets, text, and images, and even includes the URLs for the tweets in the "thread continued" spoiler. This makes it easy to share the tweets with others, and it's a big time-saver if you need to collect tweets from a long thread.
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