Times when you agreed with the villain in a story.


All Star
Mar 10, 2014
Whorelando, FL




Greatest “superhero” movie ever, IMO. Highly slept on and honestly, Zack Snyder’s best work. Deep af, visually stunning, violent. >>>>


Dec 24, 2016

Creating a "super race" is actually a noble goal purely biologically speaking. And the best way to do it is through war by sending your bravest men to kill all opposing men from other nations and force the most beautiful women who were left behind into submission. The Vikings used this strategy to create the tall, intelligent, beautiful, prosperous populations of Scandinavia, but when Hitler decided to repeat the trick for Germany, now it's not fair game? :comeon:

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn

Creating a "super race" is actually a noble goal purely biologically speaking. And the best way to do it is through war by sending your bravest men to kill all opposing men from other nations and force the most beautiful women who were left behind into submission. The Vikings used this strategy to create the tall, intelligent, beautiful, prosperous populations of Scandinavia, but when Hitler decided to repeat the trick for Germany, now it's not fair game? :comeon:
Back to st0rmfr0nt:camby:


Jan 1, 2018
The Decepticons. Obviously the real good guys but they hyped you into thinking they were bad and cheering for those shucking and jiving Autobots:

Its a classic case of haves and have nots and how the former will do anything to prevent the latter from getting theirs. If you didn't peep game as it was unfolding then just read this and make your own mind up:

Throughout all of the Transformers continuities (the notable exception being Shattered Glass) there have always been the "noble Autobots" and the "evil Decepticons". As a child I accepted this at face value but as I got older — and especially as different continuities appeared — I found myself disagreeing with this assertion.

I believe the Autobots are the evil ones. The Decepticons are the true heroes, and Megatron is about as pure as they come.

In the generally accepted comic book canon Megatron was an energy miner — a nobody, in the grand scheme of things. The Autobots ran Cybertron and a great deal of the Cybertronian government bolstered by the Autobot military (led by Sentinel Prime) was corrupt. It was through this corruption that birthed Megatron and the Decepticons. The Decepticons didn't fight for conquest, they were fighting for their rights. They were fighting for their fair share of energy and a better standard of living, something the corrupt Autobot government would not allow purely for profit-driven class reasons.

Megatron was effectively trapped in a system where nothing he could do within the law could have a positive effect on the society he was a part of. It was illegal for him to speak up and illegal to organize, and the entire political system was engineered to keep things that way, to keep the ruling class Autobots in power. The only recourse left to him was all-out revolution. Anything else would have been an impotent half-step, an incomplete effort that would have done nothing more than invite the corrupt to improve their ways and make another attempt at takeover.

So, Megatron found himself at the vanguard of a movement to destroy the corrupt Autobot leadership. And how do you go about fighting a corrupt government with a powerful military at their disposal? Through terroristic tactics. Sneak attacks. Backstabbing. It was the only way to break the cycle. "All warfare is based on deception."

Deception. Decepticons.

Did the Decepticons start the war? Nope. It was the Autobots who fired first, both figuratively (through manipulations of corrupt government) and literally (with the attack on the mining team that Megatron was on the receiving end of). Megatron counterattacked in self defense. Sure, he was brutal, but would you really be expected to be gentle if someone was out to deprive you of life and limb?

In the early stages of the war the Autobots never sought peace with the Decepticons, they sought surrender. Of COURSE the Decepticons aren't going to accept that. As the war raged on their pleas for peace were seen, perhaps rightfully so, as the pleas of a society which was almost ready to give up. You can blame Megatron for draining Cybertron of its resources all you want, but the fact remains that the Autobots were draining Cybertron at least as much as Megatron was. And while the Autobots were fighting to maintain the status quo and keep the Autobots in power, Megatron was fighting for equality and the end to political corruption and oppression. If that meant tearing down an otherwise-unresponsive power base and all that supported it, and there was no other way to affect such a change, then wouldn't the end actually justify the means?

So what about Megatron's obvious contempt for other forms of life? My response to that would be, so what? Humans are at least as contemptuous to other forms of life as Megatron is. We humans routinely stomp out ant nests, poison wasp hives, step on spiders, bomb cockroaches, evict bats, and run over squirrels without barely a second thought, and that's just in our domestic existence. In the broader sense of the world humans are responsible for mass deforestation and ecological rape for the sake of providing power, food and shelter for its population. And why shouldn't we? Those "lesser creatures" don't have the same degree of sentience as we humans have and certainly aren't capable of understanding our needs or why we do what we do. In that regard, humans are no different from the Decepticons.

And that's exactly the kind of contempt that Megatron views humans and most other life forms in the universe. The extension of the battle to Earth and the involvement of the humans was just another resource allocation to Megatron. In his eyes, the humans — a species which he generally regarded with the same contempt as we humans regard cockroackes — allied themselves with the power-hungry socially-suppressive Autobot regime. So, from Megatron's perspective, the Autobots landed on an energy-rich planet that the local vermin were willing to share with them in order to maintain their oppressive rule. Megatron would no sooner enter into talks with the human race than we would open negotiations with cockroaches in our homes. What do we humans do when we move into a house or apartment that has cockroaches in it? We exterminate for our betterment. And so does Megatron. So he's not being "evil" there either. He's just got a different perspective which the humans lack, and if you were to ask him, the humans are incapable of even understanding the existence of that perspective.

Optimus Prime is heroic to be sure, but what are his motives? If peace were truly his primary goal then he would have entered into negotiations with Megatron a LONG time ago, with the first concession being the dissolution of the Autobot regime. He didn't do that. Why not? If he were to tap into the wisdom of the Matrix he certainly would have seen the corruption of the Autobots, right?

Unless the Matrix were already similarly corrupted by Autobot sparks. Whoops.

Mind you, this isn't to say that the Decepticons were saints. Many of the Decepticons were psychotic. Shockwave was particularly nasty. But Megatron, like all good military leaders, made good use out of the materials at hand. Who cares if they were psychotic if they helped solve the problem? And when their usefulness has come to an end and they have nothing left to offer the new society, they're discarded. We humans do the same thing; look at our prison system.

So, there you have it: Autobots are manipulative power-hungry bots seeking to reinstate themselves as the head of a socially corrupt society. Decepticons are desperate terrorists looking to restore their home world and create a dictatorship to ensure Autobot corruption never happens again.

Get the picture?
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Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Michael Corleone in Godfather 2. He was the movie's villain but I don't think he was wrong in any of his movements.

Benny Blanco from the Bronx

He was humble even after Carlito played him out. Carlito was an old hater, hating on the young bul who was on the come and thats why he got what was coming to him. Had Carlito showed him some OG love he woulda got away scott free on that train instead of having his last moments of life witnessing his boy betray him.
Was Benny the villain tho? I always thought Kleinfeld was the villain in that movie.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
The Joker was proven that people are full of shyt, selfish and only follow the status quo for a peace of mind.

Disrupt the peace and those same cacs you’ve you’vewill
You can prove this without committing random acts of violence... nikka BLEW UP A HOSPITAL, WITH SICK CHILDREN IN IT :dead:

Joker lowkey shot at least two black men in the face in that movie... I swear


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
I checked out of Naruto long before that. That bullshyt ending at the end of the Pain invasion arc pissed me off :russ: And then I really stopped caring about Naruto when Tobi was revealed to be Obito. :hubie:

So by the time that Kaguya bullshyt popped of I was like :manny: I can only defend Naruto up to when Pain invaded Konoha, after that the wolves can do whatever they want.
Exact same moment for me :wow:
Dec 27, 2017
All the machines in the Matrix. Most black people don't realize it but the machines represents us.

An amalgamation of the slur and the character Bigger Thomas from Native Son. They used quotes from the Dred Scott decision in B1-66ER's trial.

SCOTUS Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's opinion, in bold, that you hear:

The words “people of the United States” and “citizens” are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who, according to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives. They are what we familiarly call the “sovereign people,” and every citizen is one of this people, and a constituent member of this sovereignty. The question before us is whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant them.