Joe Exotic at first I thought Joe was at least honest about what he was unlike the others but overtime you get glimpses of his manipulation. His first response to the woman losing her arm was how much money it was gonna cost him, putting his properties in his elderly parents names and milking the loss of Travis for election purposes. I feel like most of the murder for hire stuff was Jeff Lowe I mean why else would Jeff's guy operate as hit-man for Joe Exotic with as much open hostility between the two without Jeff being directly involved.
Jeff Lowe is the biggest scumbag in this, dude is in his 60's dressing like Rob Dydrek did in the mid 00's. Clearly plotting to smash his future nanny and sneaking cubs around in his carry on bags just to get laid "To get a little p*ssy sometimes you have to show a little p*ssy"

and he clearly set Joe up which his ass admitted to pushing the issue that's the real reason the prosecution wouldn't call him as a witness because he would've been dumb enough to brag about setting Joe up. I watched this with my sister and when he was tearing into Joe for misappropriating funds my sister said "this guy is a really bad actor"
That fat Chucky dude was also scummy anyone see the part where he called dude the "Tiger Queen" then tried to act like whoops I meant "Tiger King

With Carol it's like she is such a fraud and running a cult just like the rest of them except she doesn't even pay her employees and boasts that she doesn't even remember them unless they worked there for years. I definitely believe she killed her husband. It doesn't even seem like she committed the perfect murder as much as how bad the investigation must've been.
Joe was dumb for antagonizing her as much as he did.It was not smart to make that Big Cat Rescue Entertainment ripoff or act obsessive over her as much as he did. Her and her and her simp husband enjoyed taking him to court cause they had money to spare and he legit had no case he was just petty.
Doc seemed to be the most cautious everyone they asked including his son and women said his name meant "Lord" him "it means friend of god" How many wives you got "I rather not talk about my personal life" "I'm not going down this path because I've heard it for 30 years, you're gonna say it's a cult!"
I kinda figured Joe's husbands were less gay than they were seasoned drug addicts willing to turn to that shyt for drugs. I was surprised to see dudes mom was cool with it and working there too. She was clearly a junkie herself.