Yeah, but is it really his fault? I know they pushed the shyt out of Randy at times, and you could say that he wasn't quite ready when he won the title here, but I'd say that a large amount of the blame has to be put on WWE for cutting Randy's balls off whenever he got something going.
Think about it:
1). He beats Benoit in a very good match for the WHC, splitting from Evolution, which leads to him...being made into Hunter's bytch for like 5 months.
2). He changes up his character in 2007, going wild and punting everyone into unconsciousness. This rebuilds his credibility and leads to a hot feud with John Cena, which unfortunately ends with Cena's pec injury and leads to Hunter Haitching it up at No Mercy (which, honestly, I wouldn't have had too much problem with if not for the stupid Umaga title match. Really, they just should have had a match for the vacant belt with Orton going over clean, but Hunter beating him early in the night, then Orton exploiting Vince's hatred of Hunter to get a rematch at the end of the night and beating him would have been fine). Nothing here is TOO problematic until the actual title reign, where his heel credibility's pissed away faster than a Zack Ryder squash to make him look like an impotent coward. The only time that he was booked anywhere close to the way that he should've been was when he feuded with Jeff Hardy.
3). The 2009 feud with Triple H, which has been explained many times. Hottest guy on the roster, and WWE pisses it away in an almost TNA-esque fashion. So stupid.
Not to mention that they made us not want to see him at all by CONSTANTLY shoehorning him into main events unnecessarily.
Yeah, he has his own issues (not drawing, complete lack of discretion in his personal life), but for a guy they liked so much, WWE really screwed up a lot when it came to Orton.