This is straight out living proof example that even if you take over the world, people will hold on to an old memory of you where you wasn't at your best or completely crumbled. Imagine all the accomplishments dude has done only for some people pull this sh* back as if that was end all of his career.
there's been a ton of rappers that have choked on freestyle sessions but because someone blows the f*** up, it catches national attention. I know me and a ton of people out there would trade an embarrassing moment just to be in the position he's in now. Even with all the kendrick bs. Then you got battle champions like Math Hoffa who look goofy in the light tryna promote his songs in the beginning of his podcast only cuz now he's a successful podcaster and deep down hates that he's blown up on the podcast tip wanting people to actually take his music serious. It's a cold world