This "The Titus Brand" stuff could be gold for both men if "wwe creative' was actually you know creative

and not basic thinking as fukk
Titus Oneal should be Dollar Bill from player's club / Hustle Man /and LaVar ball all rolled in one...
Apollo should be the young up incoming superstar just happy to be experiencing success for the first time and reluctantly goes along with fukkery
have Titus kayfabe take out a bank loan to get "The Titus Brand" off the ground print up some basic ass "Titus brand" logo put that shyt on some shirt's & hat's have them selling that shyt out of trunk of his car in the parking lot's of what ever arena their in that raw ,.. Apollo rocking Titus Brand shirt's & hat's to the ring even tho he knows it's wack ...Titus doing shyt like trying to give away box's of "Titus Brand" shirt's to celebrity guest for free advertising purposes
trying to sell a bootleg energy drink but called "Titus Boost" selling it out of "red party cup's" with his logo on to other wrestler's in the backstage area like you would see little kid selling lemonade on the side of the road it having varying Affect on different wrestler's but Apollo ain't drinking that shyt
making Apollo sign his autograph to 100's of cheap knock off Apollo crews action figures that don't look like him at all expect being black, bald,& smiling

passing them out for free coming to the ring saying it will help The Titus Brand and Apollo's public image
Titus insisting that Apollo being driven around back stage and to the ring in a golf kart with a Titus Brand logo on it as part of the benefit's being with the The Titus Brand
Titus hiring a diva like Alicia fox or Summer Rae to be his secretary/assistant give her a earphones bluetooth & a note book to help run shyt and partly because he want's to smash
hiring a jobber like say BO Dallas to be the official mascot of "The Titus Brand' complete with wearing a weird costume that keeps changing every few weeks because Titus can't make his mind up on what he want's "The Titus Brand" mascot to be and just doing goofy shyt to help Apollo win& lose matches