Nah..Sasha Banks blowing up, Becky Lynch, and Asuka changed pro wrestling too.Tribal Chief Reigns, Kofi’s rise to winning the title, and Bryan’s rise to winning the title are the best storylines since CM Punk vs Cena.
Nah..Sasha Banks blowing up, Becky Lynch, and Asuka changed pro wrestling too.Tribal Chief Reigns, Kofi’s rise to winning the title, and Bryan’s rise to winning the title are the best storylines since CM Punk vs Cena.
Nah..Sasha Banks blowing up, Becky Lynch, and Asuka changed pro wrestling too.
Hurt Business is Raw. Roman and crew is SD.
They wouldn't fight unless it's Survivor Series... which is just around the corner.
Feud has been pure pro wrestling.
My only problem with the booking so far is that they pulled the trigger on the HIAC too early - having a PPV based around the ultimate blow-off match when your feud isn't ready for its blow-off leaves them needing something even bigger.
Just being in the storyline injures herTamina comes into the storyline, injures herself, out 8 months.
Definitely influenced and changed pro wrestling..Becky won WM main events..Booker hasn't. Sasha has been in HIAC matches..Booker hasn't. Those alone changed women's perception of pro wrestling historically.I don’t know about changed pro wrestling, but they’re highlights too
Rikishi need to keep his ass at home, with his clothes onThey should have rikishi squash Michael coles head like a egg
All Jey had to do was acknowledge him
Now Roman is moving like Suge Knight and he's got the blessing of the elders. Usos are about to be sitting at the kids table fetching the Chief his plate
Jimmy last night kinda was supporting Roman with him telling him everything can be cool if you just talk to us we got you leading to Roman hitting the .... to that victory. Storyline wise Jimmy probably will fall in line easy while Jey needs his spirit broken match by match until he assimilates.The only thing I’d rather have (not that they haven’t done great with this) is some brotherly dissension. If they had Jimmy clearly being ok with Roman being the Chief and Jey being reluctant. Jimmy trying to convince him etc. rather than Roman beating them up into submission, but more like Jey coming around finally. But yea it’s a great thing right now