What part of what I said indicates anything about anybody currently being popular to the masses? I used Naomi going viral when people discovered her existence as an example of the potential popularity certain people could gain if WWE marketed them correctly. Somehow that results in “nobody knows or cares about them!!! They aren’t popular outside of wrestling!!!” responses when I literally never said otherwise.
Point is, if WWE paid the shade room to promote Bianca, Sasha, or Naomi, they would tap into a completely new market of fans because while they are currently unknown outside of wrestling.. they posses the talent and stand out enough to attract non-fans under the right circumstances.
You're still making the mistake of assuming that just because someone likes a post on social media or views it that automatically means that said people will consume your product. WWE can pay the shade room all they want to promote those women, but it doesn't mean that those likes will actually translate into new viewership.
Case in point..... WWE having 11.5 million followers on Twitter and 24.6 million followers on Instagram, yet they can't even get Raw to crack 2 million viewers each week now.
Stopped being fooled by social media numbers and popularity. Wrestling just isn't popular in the mainstream press as much as you'd like to think. That's exactly why Vince hasn't been cancelled because no one actually cares about wrestling compared to other major sports out here.