Most black British came to Britain after world war 2 you fukking idiot. Dude above even said black british people are at the most 2 generations deep.
listen idiot, i know more about the black british experience than you ever will so calm your flag waving self down and relax....
everybody knows about the windrush , so i dont know who you think you schooling and if you want to get real deep blacks went to England as slaves centuries before , Liverpool was a major slave port, but thats an argument for another day...
One thing Ive noticed about Americans is that they can give it but they cant take it....its all jokes when they are making fun of canadians, europeans , africans etc.... the minute you start to call them out or make fun of them the flag wavers come out....(and its always the african americans that wave the hardest....smh)......
Ive now lived in the Uk longer than I lived in the i prefer it to the states? Yes.... but that doesnt mean that I wont call the Uk out for the bullshyt that goes on here...unlike you im not blinded by loyalty to a country that dont really want me...
Americas best days are over.... youre such a "patriot" you cant admit it, and thats why i feel sorry for you
the difference is i can admit that most of europe is going the way of america