and, all that trollin got Lil B where in the end..?
people see him as a JOKE.. their not laughing WITH him, they were laughing AT him..
dude was out here getting slapped around by some goofy on camera.. just recently, getting his ass whooped in his own city by some OT cats.. career is at a stalemate.. yea.. trolling really worked out for him..
Yea & 2pac & BIG got killed, Nip got killed & a few others. Your point is?
Has nothing to do with what i said & what u asked. U asked if his trolling would elevate his career (btw of bookings etc), & to that i answered yes. Nothing
i said mentioned anything about how ppl would view him.
Lil B did not get socked becuz of his music my dude. That point makes 0 sense.
U are right that ppl might go along witchu even tho they laughin at u. But at the end of the day they still gettin somewhere, relatively speaking, by
acting/doin something dumb. Whether purposely or not.
Whats the name of the lil white girl that got on Dr. Phils show & got a rap record deal? Yeah nothing came out of it at the end but just think how far that goofy shyt got her. Just by goin viral.
Whats my mans name from the UK that got viral by doin a silly freestyle. Shaq was it?
Ever since the rise of internet the metrics are measured by the numbers. So views/clicks/hits is all that matters to the power-makers with the paper (business companies, show bookers, labels etc).
Try googling a product. Any product. And watch ads of said pop up on your FB or w/e the following days. Its the same in the music game. They only go with what makes noise (clicks/views/viral etc).