Nah...WM XXX is probably Bryan vs Punk..not sure what happens to Blandy by Rumble...remains to be seen. He's definitely not gonna matter by Mania..he's just a put over talent to when things matter. Guy was tapping out to Del Rio as a face.
So? WWE booking ALWAYS resets when theres a heel or face turn, and rko champ.
Bryan vs punk makes no sense, booking is not leading there and we'be seen the match 100x. Be smart KNOW booking will lead like this:
NOC - rko vs bryan
Battle ground - rko vs bryan with a stipulation
HIAC - rko vs bryan (bryan might win with cenas help)
Survivor Series - Orton + Shield vs bryan,ziggler, 2 randoms
TLC - bryan vs rko wins belt back
Rumble - cena wins
Elimination chamber - rko retains with total screwjob on bryan by hhh
Hhh vs bryan
Rko vs cena
Taker vs brock
Punk vs the bushes