why is she doing all of this shyt PUBLICLY????
i'd be embarrassed if i was this kyrie person. this woman is making him look bad
she must be confirmed psycho by now.
kyrie, stay away!!!
a lot of times when guys refer to girls as "crazy" its cuz the dude in the relationship gets attention from other chicks or starts getting too close with other female and the girl doesn't know what to do so she gets clingy af to compensate / mark her territory. that is excusable crazy.
this bytch is a real psycho. she's one of those hyper-narcissitic, third-wave, tumblr-core feminists that want all the benefits (sleeping around with multiple guys) without any of the consequences (getting slut shamed).
not gonna lie, her mixtape was FIRE. she gave off female frank ocean vibes with a slightly rachet touch.
while dating kyrie:

after the fiasco: