Yes. Your little sister was moving like a mufuka.
I'm an only child.

Yes. Your little sister was moving like a mufuka.
On some joking making fun of these serious cats I get it but as some serious stuff from men nah fam. I can’t see chilling with my dad or just a group of men in general and someone seriously say you’re a colorstruck c00n because you said a LS jawn looks good.
These dudes know they couldn’t say that shyt irl either. Most dudes going to laugh at them and quite a few going to punch these no hands having weirdos straight in their jaw. Think about it how many times have you been called a c00n or colorstruck irl compared to on here? Cats know what time it is when folks can put hands on em and they speak accordingly.
That anonymity is a mother fukker. When irl you see who you talking to and cats know folks aren’t going for that bullshyt offline. I curse at dudes on here but I do offline too but just like irl it’s not as harsh as typed down it looks. It’s just shyt talking but these cats be dead ass serious. Tbh it feels more like stereotypes of what pro blacks are supposed to be like on them sitcoms when you see dude being too wild where it’s unbelievable.i just started posting a few weeks ago once my account got activated. Im orginally from Nigeria, I have people in my family that claim to be black Israelite, noi, militant and ive rarely if ever saw them call a fellow brotha a cac or c00n. You say one thing that a person disagrees with on here and all of the names start flying lol.."neegged cac...negged c00n" its funny to me because i have never encountered someone like that in real life..never been called a c00n before but on here its a different story lol
She’s washed. But that’s most women after 30 which is why marriage and long term relationships in general is kindoff sketchy
her bf is a frooty bootyShe is huge for 6 months....she having twins?
Who seeded her up? Why we gassing this thot who looks like a waiter at Denny's?