The WNBA is a weird ass league no where near ready for any kind of real attention
It is not women's basketball.
Lower the rim.
To eight feet. Ine inches
It is air jordan .
Not jelly jordan.
I wanna see ju just cross and poke on a ho.
.till women. Are dunking. On a rim made for the height of a woman at eight feet nine inches.
No one will support this sport. Till the sexual deviance is removed. Plus the rim us lowered. As the rim being lowered would also. address the elephant in the room. Where smaller players have no get emotional release.
Nor physical response back on court. If the rim was lowered. Any female with a problem could solve the aggression issue by going to poke on a ho.
The reason women's basketball has no draw is.
It has no ability for a woman player to dream. Every boy who wanted to play basketball. Wanted to play organized. Sohh when they possibly grew up. They could make a half court steal and go poke on a nikka.
Any nikka saying different a goofie.
Since women play on a man sized rim. It allows a bully aspect with no potential get back ever. In play. Which also results in a corrosive u checked social dynamic. Of might makes right with no way for a smaller player at the pro level to check this dynamic. Or any way to cycle aggression.
or pull receipts on aggression. Sohh no player in female basketball. Ever prospectfully plays to really achieve a dream in playing basketball. As well never combats or addresses as any physical domination. Via just localized play. As well as the smaller player. Has no counter.
or show of force to stop said aggression. Without women having a rim of size for a female to compete. Which produces the gateway potential energy.
that makes anyone young want to play.
Why are women not afforded the luxury of dreaming like men playing basketball.
Women do not play basketball. Fron with a defined potential goal like the reality of a man. As the goal. Or hoop. Or the rim is made for a man. Whereas a woman would never feel adequate. As well as no potential reward.
for investing in learning to play.
As the rim is to high. To have a reward for the general prospective girl to play. As well as it ruins any marketing draw for women's basketball. As the product does not have a draw.
like the men's game has the largest visual draw from the dunk shot. Or dunking. Or poking on a nikka...that poke'n on a bytch. A female can never due. Thus a female in general will never potentially want to play. As the game of basketball for a woman has no long term satisfying reward.
Every sport generally has a reward for stellar play.
The winner in tennis
Homerun in baseball
Touch down in football.
Goal in soccer
Goal in hockey.
In men's basketball. The highest thrill of reward in basketball.
is the dunk shot..the dunk.
Or poke'n on a nikka.
In this case for women. As girls, why would a girl want to effectively play. When potentially. They are playing a game.
where they never get the simple most gateway satisfaction or reward from.
For a general woman playing basketball.
The prospect of wanting to play long term.
Offers no long term reward. Even for a long term investment.
Sohh most women in general do nOt play. Next the women's game as a androgynpus pagan bathhouse shower shark hazing aspect. That if the rim was lowered. Would be able to offer an equalizer. For a social in-game remedy for the play of said brutish female player. As every general woman. Could counter any dominance from the game's corrosive social aesthetic. By using the dunk shot.
as a line in rhe sand of physicality.
To combat brutish play. Plus sway the emotion during play from a brutish participant.
That as long as the rim is a man's height. You will have brazenly unchecked aspects of rogue-ish behavior.
By lowering the rim. You also offer an equalizer to this brutish unchecked brazen style of play in the game. That affects and makes the game oftputting socially to the general customer. As well as women. Which limits the gateway draw for women's basketball. As no one in general. Is going to allow rheir daughter. To go into a haze heavy shower shark ideal. Without some way to combat said behavior in some manner. Without the dunk shot being made a common component to the women's game.
This rogue behavior has no end game.
As lowering the rim. Would create the long term gateway energy. To alleviate and ultimately rid women's basketball of this rogue androgynous pagan bathhouse aesthetic. That also is the unsaid variable.
to why women's basketball is a below niche draw. To alleviate and bring women's basketball out of this niche. As well as alleviate.
the brazenly rogue behavior socially and internally in the sport.
So for women's basketball to see a boom. Plus a boom as a professional drawing sporting gateay. The rim has to be lowered. To eight feet nine inches. to achieve any higher permeation for women's basketball moving forward.
If not women's basketball. Will stay the equivalent of watching biddy ball.
Where the children or buddy's. Are substituted. Then the game is played by grown women at the ymca.
Art Barr