You can't pay taxes when your dead. Hell the state's and the Fed get money when your incarcerated.
If people could walk into an office, fill out forms, pass a background check, psychological exam, and a medical or maybe even fail the medical thus why they want to end their life....nah....capitalism is going to milk every last red cent out of you.
But it's ok for animals, they don't deserve to be in pain, they should be allowed to die with dignity and in the most humane way possible.
But in both cases a person is consenting to injurious actions so it's just strange to me that this is flying. I guess if someones asks to get slapped and gets slapped it's not a crime though..theres just gotta be some sort of delineation that determines someone is unable to consent to a certain level of self-harm because it's not reasonable for anyone of sound mind to do so