I thought it was well understood that alot of these posters are anti-social at the least and more than likely sociopaths.
It's very easy to see who here actually has a legit personality and can function in a social setting. I don't care what these nikkaz say, they are socially awkward.
How exactly does a dude who pulls top quality women worry about ratchet hoes?
How exactly does a dude who pulls quality women only speak of his relations with ratchet hoes?
How exactly does a dude who knows everything about women have such a hard time pulling a quality woman?
Nikkaz talking about not simping and not respecting women yet THEY HAVE YET TO FIND A QUALITY WOMAN!
I've never seen a dude with a good track record of pulling quality women demonize women like the dudes do on here.
They got a thread "dropping knowledge" yet they have no experience with dealing with quality women...and nikkaz that don't know any better eat it up.
Everything out their mouths reeks of resentment.