Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
I read this all the time but I never really understood it. His character was responsible (whether directly or indirectly) for killing so many potentially/ dope characters. He was one of the biggest backstabbing rats ever, I remember in the earlier seasons how he and adebesi were homies then he just turned on him and it wasn't even like he needed to. There were often times any alliance forming he'd just have to fukk it up even if it didn't affect him. And the excuse of he just had to do dirty shyt like that cuz he didn't have a clique doesn't really compute. Maybe it was a cac thing or the Cyril story tugged at your heartstrings but he was a detestable ass holeyea, but he was not that slimy and repulsive as E B. O'reily was kind of a likeable character compared to EB
Found it weird how the one guy he should have enacted revenge on he never did and that was Vern for raping his bro