thinking of taking a leave of absense from work


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I'm a MASTER a that shyt. Ive done some INSANE stuff to get time off. Killed like 3 nonexistent relatives. Claimed moms had a breathing attack. I just came back on the 17th of april, but that was legit. MCL issues, I was off TWO MONTHS. I killed of my wife's grandma, who has been dead for mad long. Had a fake obituary made, had my wife call my supervisor on the phone crying for me. Got TWO WEEKS off for that, with 3 days bereavement PAID. If you want to take time off, claim a WORK RELATED INJURY. make sure its a BACK INJURY, they are hard to detect. If your job offers LONG TERM DISABILITY, enroll ASAP. Claim injury at HOME, that way you don't have to deal with your JOB, let the state pay you. you can always take LOA, talk to your HR department and tell them you have "family issues", I've done that too. Make sure you got dough saved up, you might not get paid for LOA, unless you have vacation time. I took 28 days off, used my vacation. I needed time away, supervisor bugging. I've been on stress leave, took like a month or two off. Got a 1700 check in the mail and got another check from liberty mutual insurance. I'm currently looking for more time off...
