So because Walt is a fukk up that left a company that's became with billions, is teaching at some shytty public school and has to clean vacuum the back seats of cars at his part time job, other people can't talk about how they enjoy their job?man hank came into the series being an a$$hole. remember they were at walt's b-day party in the pilot episode and hank was bragging about doing drug bust and trying to emasculate walt.
You know what was disrespect?You know what was disrespect? Skylar letting her boss hit and telling Heisenberg, “And what niqqa?!”
I really don't get it.Dudes just can't say, 'You know Walter was a bad guy but I like him anyway' they have to do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify their bias
Having said that, he should've given the info to the DEA and washed his hands of the case, even if it meant his career was over. But his ego wouldn't let him.
All he had to do was tell a bunch of neonazis to not come assist him when he was clearly in trouble ?? Hanks ego got him killed he should of just went to the real authoritiesHank went after him because he didn't think Walt really had the juice like that. He thought he could intimidate him into folding on himself. All he had to do was tell those biker dudes he'd be cool and he couldn't even do that.