The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
these old fvcks that don't know when to pack it up and go home or whatevr shelter they sleeping out of
Promos written word for word
Dolphs not a scrubThere are a lot, but I'll list 5 for now
- Kicking out of finishers / false finishes
- Kevin Dunn's production causing excessively shaky cameras, unnecessary camera cuts and cutting to neckbeards in the crowd
- Scrub ass wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler having gimmicks saying they're getting buried & sick of it on television
- Wrestlers who cannot dynamically react to the crowd mid-promo
- Suicide dives through the middle rope
"YOU DESERVE IT" after EVERY title win.
Everybody ain't paid the dues that the next man/woman has.
"YOU STILL GOT IT" cchants after an arm bar or a few dropkicks
"We've got a new champion! "When the announcers say it’s over when a pin starts. Guarantees a kick out.
Especially when it's a steel chair.The invisible force field that blocks a face from chasing after the heel.
When someone interferes in a match an the ref doesn't see it, even though the attack made him bounce in the air when the guy fell.
Groups that run away because one guy came in ring with a chair.
Promos written word for word.
Kicking out of finishers, that should only be for big matches.
Cena match..every praised one over the last 10 years.Suicide dives
Heavyweights/Super Heavyweights showing how “athletic” they are. (Seen Keith Lee do a shytty canadian destroyer on the ring apron)
The lack of selling to force the idea of it being an epic match.
Dolphs not a scrub
He not. They booked him so bad I dont think he can recover. Man that tsc heel turn on dolph is a mfNeg pending