that the mom always had the answer to everything and the dad is the fukking idiot
Having 90 lb women knocking out grown ass men with one punch.
For example, Salt
Ya, every sitcom since like 95 has had the formula for stupid fat dad and smart sassy wife. Whens the last time a woman was portrayed as a mean stupid character and I dont mean a bytchy female or a ditzy blonde. I mean a general dumbass broad who gets the

whens shes on screen. Feminist done took over the game.
Also, I hate all the nick/disney shows that now have all the kids in a setting with no adults. They all go to some kind of academy with dorms for fukking high schoolers (zoey101,victorious, ANT farm)

or they live with a brother or friend (icarly).
Bunch of teenagers spending all day and nite alonge together and no adults to be found except teachers or whacky neighbors.

fukk they dont leave you alone anywhere in SCHOOL. These cats living in giant dorms with no one around

Kids woulda been fukkin all day.
Also any show where the woman cheats on the husband and the guy finds out and she tells him to cheat on her so they can be even. He always turns it down and the last second because he lovers her. I know tons of shows/movies do this. Off the top of my head tho, I know Family guy has a couple episdoes where Lois gets dikked down and peter stays with her