I am going to take a different tac on this. It is more difficult to make you the image of sexual deviancy when you have no evidence of being a sexual deviant. The problem we have is that too many of us make it so easy to be an example of the stereotype WS wants to place on us. When you have many of us hating the concept of actually having a respectable image in favor of constantly arguing and pleading with others to ignore what they see and just accept what we say, this is what we end up with.
We have to be willing to carry ourselves with respect and have respect for each other. WS will always try to strip us of that and project out to the world a negative image of us, but we do not have to make it so darn easy for TPTB to do it. We do not have to live our lives in a disreputable manner or accept that image as being a part of our culture. What they say about us should not matter, but we have to cultivate within our own culture and interactions with each other imagery of respect, integrity, and resposibility. All of that, while not allowing those among us who desire to go counter to those three attributes from having the loudest voices among us.