Angela Bassett, and KeKe Palmer in 2006, going on a decade ago (IN AKEELAH AND THE BEE):
Akeelah and the Bee (2006) - IMDb

Angela Bassett and KeKe Palmer just THIS MONTH

now I don't think that some gay entertainment exec is sitting around on some "let's undermine their community! turn em all gay!"...i really think this just so happened these projects dropped within 2 weeks of each other, and of course if gays run the industry, they're going to put out what they want to see

but at the same time can we be mad because we didn't go see Akeelah and the Bee either...positive black images make 0 money in 2015...we're either c00ning or doing this overly sexual shyt...so can we be mad if they're pushing their agenda through our stars?

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