ok , so from what you're saying if an individual attends a liberal politicians wedding. pays for abortions,doesn't care for gun-rights or the bible that makes them a defacto liberal
People from all over the political spectrum get abortions
"The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion" - When the Anti-Choice Choose
trump went to a wedding with people of political power and wealth in attendance, i'm sure conservatives were in the mix as well.
History of Donald Trump's political donations - Ballotpedia
in regards to trumps position on gun rights, actions speaks louder than words. thomas jefferson had writings that eschewed slavery but when he inherited a plantation with slaves, he kept them. No one would dare refer to him as an abolitionist.
whether or not trumps care about the bible doesn't matter since his actions are similar to other conservative politicians who purport to have the same reverence for it.