This post fukked up the landing something terrible
i really don't care. when i hear about all the shyt some of these women are reporting, then i hear someone else talk about how George HW Bush groped their asscheek and how it fukked them up, i roll my friggin eyes. Yeah, that's a shytty and weird spot to be in, but maybe take a step back and let the real victims have their moment.
I don't give 2 shyts about any of the men being accused, but everything is on an even plain right now and i find it ridiculous. It's all just fodder for the twitter feminists that have to spit the same amount of venom regardless of the crime.
Also sexual harassment is terrible... but again, there are women here coming forward with actual rape allegations, maybe stop trying to equate a powerful male telling you that you have a nice rack... "I was forcefully thrown against a wall." "I hear you sister, I've been cat called!" at the very least how about a preface like "look, i know so many women are worse off but here's my story..." nah, like all internet attention seekers, it's straight drama. "you don't know how hard i have it!!!!" thoughts and prayers
i just fukkin hate the current state of the world. truly bad shyt doesn't get room to breath b/c of the rampant hyperbole towards everything. i just have a really hard time finding the majority of people genuine in 2017. everything is outrage and "look at me" and "you're the worst, I'm the best" it's out of control. Tell me I sound like a Trump voter, whatever. Tell me I can't speak on others' behalf, whatever. Things are still out of fukkin control.
and i hope every "predator" (another overused word) gets their day, but i just don't think it's fair to lump everyone into the same damn category.