I respectfully disagree. He will be a hero to half of the country and the devil to the other half. He, and his portrayal, are indicative of the coming civil war between R and D. Or has that civil war already started

all presidents get in office in a fuqqed up situation. if they don't comply with what the real powers want they will, and can be turned into president carter.
sure the R and the D's have been and are being played against each other by the elite.
to love or hate barack and what he's doing one has to be brainwashed

. brainwashed by the media or the party they affiliate with.
the civil war should be btwn the common man and the elite but the elite are using the media to play the people against each other. the elite did a pretty good job monitoring occupy wall street. sh1t should've really jumped off then. but they have the media on lock and that's the only way people can communicate.
ppl just need to turn off theirs tvs and bus guns..

if black ppl get mopped then black ppl get mopped. niccas die everyday
should be fighting on the "right" side.