@Phoenix_Knightly23that statue better stop playin with me. gonna have me fukkin some stone like
that statue better stop playin with me. gonna have me fukkin some stone like
that statue better stop playin with me. gonna have me fukkin some stone like
Perfect execution my friend
Why did you have that gif on your pc though?
not denying ur claim but wheres ur sources breh?
Where's the source mate ...that booty tho, ancient egypt must have been paagland
any credible sources?
where's the source breh
bout to be a dap/undap 1 star, neg rep
This is one of the rare cult statues associated with the Ancient Egyptian queen, Nefertiti. The sculpture is made in France from hand-finished resin and measures 37cm high.
Inspired by an Ancient Egyptian original made of red quartzile, this statue of Nefertiti shows the artistic style of Akhenaton, an ancient Egyptian king (XVIIIth Dynasty). Under Akhenaton's rule, Egyptian art adopted a revolutionary new style - moving away from the traditional Egyptian style of portraying people with ideal, perfect physiques, to a new and rather jarring style as illustrated here. It would seem that the artists were attempting to portray people with brutal honesty, to the extent that the images became caricatures.
This piece of sculpture illustrates the level of skill achieved by certain artists during the el-Amarna period. The sculptor fully mastered the style and strictly applied the canons imposed by the new doctrine. The secret of this work's success lies in the delicate volumes: the shape of the body's lower limbs is underscored by the drapery of the clothing, which is slightly incised in the red sandstone. This expansive female body is generally identified as Nefertiti, wife of Amenophis IV- Akhenat
Squat and crunch.I'd honestly kill a bunch of kittens for that shape.
Can someone make me a fitness routine to get that body? Please.
Brehs out here still thinking Egypt wasn't black even though there is no evidence at all that they weren't.you nikkas really exposin yaselves. I wonder if there would be so many calls for "credible sources" if i posted some airbrushed cac forgeries?
British Museum and the Lourve credible enough sources for ya?
even those cacs admit its Nefertiti.
all you gotta do is google "torso of queen nefertiti" and you'd get a million hits.
that statue better stop playin with me. gonna have me fukkin some stone like