Broncos got the ball back, got some yardage early in the possession but Khalil Mack got a huge sack on 3rd down. And on 4th they put pressure on Brock Oswhogivesafukk and he basically flicked it awayDamn Comcast. My cable went out a few minutes ago and just came back on.
I see we won......
But what happened?
Damn Comcast. My cable went out a few minutes ago and just came back on.
I see we won......
But what happened?
Mack straight murdered tha whole teamMack is destroying that Denver's O-Line and Oswelier
Mack was all over the place this game!Broncos got the ball back, got some yardage early in the possession but Khalil Mack got a huge sack on 3rd down. And on 4th they put pressure on Brock Oswhogivesafukk and he basically flicked it away
It pains me that we helped the Pats in any way.Free daps for helping my Pats !!