My neck and my back
All Star
it's a good chance you ate some baby too if you ain't watch them cook your food
I mean if they can make a plate of friend rice , low maine,
what the fukk is in my orange chicken?
shyts not fake..they do really eat babies In bosses wife is Chinese and she told me they do..since they can only have one child cuz the law out there and if they have a girl they kill the baby girl and sell it to people that want to make soup out of it..there are also 100s of dead babies by the side of the river from moms throwing them away...shyts real..
The disturbing human rights abuse comes from a distorted view of unborn children in Chinese culture. Traditionally, ancient Chinese considered ingestion of firstborns, aborted fetuses and placentas as part of a mother’s flesh. An unborn child has no personhood of his or her own. Hence, mothers believed that they were theirs to reabsorb to create a new, healthier baby. This type of belief is common in societies practicing cannibalistic infanticide.
Chinese folk tradition says that placenta consumption helps increase the supply of sperm, and in traditional Chinese medicine it is believed to support blood supply.
Consumption of fetuses and full-term infants is a horrific, vile practice against humanity. The Chinese government must step up efforts to end the practice
Youngbee Dale is a writer, researcher, and human rights advocate. She invites you to join her on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.