Personally preferred Malcolm X over Martin Luther King for various reasons even before the affair.
When you know you have major skeletons in your closet that you continue to engage in, perhaps it’s best to not try to be a morality police. Martin Luther King was a reverend until he died.
Malcolm X came clean of his past life, never excused it, realized the errors of his ways/matured and tried to live as righteous a life as a human can.
Martin Luther King was raised in the church married his wife, took his vows and became a symbolic moral teacher in addition to a civil rights activist. If what is said about his philandering ways is true than it is going to be a blemish on him regardless of the intentions.
On the outside looking in, Martin Luther King seemed clean cut and Malcolm X was rough around the edges. Behind closed doors that couldnt be furthest from the truth. That’s what I take away from this. Doesn’t change the good that he has done and his legacy but put things in perspective in how we quick to brand people a certain away based on how they appear.