The following chart summarizes payments made by Representative Gaetz to Mr. Greenberg and to women via peer-to-peer payment platforms or checks:
Recipient Amount Timeframe
Woman 1 (former girlfriend) $63,836.58 2017-2020
Woman 2 $4,189.82 2019-2020
Woman 3 $2,651.69 2018-2019
Woman 4 $6,198.75 2017-2019
Woman 5 $4,025.27 2018-2019
Woman 6 $5,251.23 2018-2019
Woman 7 $200.00 2018
Woman 8 $600.00 2017
Woman 9 $1,280.00 2018-2020
Woman 10 $400.00 2018
Woman 11 $500.00 2017
Woman 12 $2,135.48 2018-2019
Joel Greenberg $3,950.00 2018-2019
The Committee’s record indicates that Representative Gaetz was in a long-term relationship with Woman 1, and therefore some of the payments may have been of a legitimate nature; however, as discussed further below, Woman 1 asserted her Fifth Amendment right when asked whether the payments to her from Representative Gaetz were for sexual activity and/or drugs, or for her to pass on to others for such purposes. Based on that assertion combined with evidence received from other sources, the Committee found substantial reason to believe that most of these payments were for such activity.