He's got to be a psychopath. I can't wait for his eval report. He manged to bring up child molestation, they found out his story was fabricated, and still managed to go untouched and he got someone ELSE jumped. Either he is the luckiest man in the world, or he's mentally unstable and more manipulative than the show is showing. He's in the hole relaxing like a boss. Bosses, real deal psychopaths spend most of their time (and enjoy) isolation, they tend to handle better than your avg joe, and here comes Robert loving every minute of itI was dyin at that whole prayer/child molester discussion scene... He was really trying to motivate people to change their lives and be productive on the outside by saying they are better than child molesters.

The other inmates are bored and stressed out after 2 days despite the fact that they have money on their books and free to socialise and roam around, everyone except the security guard are under real threats. Robert was in serious danger for his fabricated story, didn't care, they put Robert in a box alone, 23 hours a day, it's been 7 days and he's talking about "the chicken is delicious, want to hear my poetry brehs?

and he teaches children for a living

when the inmates were trying to get a read on him
"whats his deal"
"I don't know"
"might be a cop, he's walking way too brave, arms too wide like he's used to having a gun"
"looks too weak to be a cop though"
"yeah his story doesn't add up, but neither does he"
"he don't know there's sharks in here?"
"yeah I don't know, something is off about that guy"
"lets fukk up diandre instead"

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