Nuke Dukem
Da Bears
So y'all got the same gangs as us then (Chicago)Michigan
Okay so if you go in n your not affiliated with anyone what do you do.. Are you food for everyone else then

So y'all got the same gangs as us then (Chicago)Michigan
So y'all got the same gangs as us then (Chicago)
Okay so if you go in n your not affiliated with anyone what do you do.. Are you food for everyone else then![]()
What are your thoughts on the teacher...
I think he's an idiot, hes about to do 60 days and the thing hes most concerned with is how big the TV is and IF they have NFL network![]()
Jail.. But they say one of the worst in IndianaI didn't watch the video. Is this County Jail or Prison ??
If county jail. I've been to jail. That's the only concerns you should have. TV, and how much money you gonna have in your account so you can eat.
All you do in jail is eat sleep and shyt and play cards and watch tv.
So if you get into with someone and whoop they're ass.. Are they gonna keep coming at you ..Nah,not really,Chicago heavy on gangs Michigan not so much,but they do exist.
And depends on what pod your on,depends on who you celling with,etc.
Some Gangs enforce they power,some lay back,you might get lucky and go to a tier with no gangs or not many members, then you may run into grimey gangs who gonna extort you,just depends.
Some bullpens are violent, some aren't,some dudes prey on the new/weak,lots factor in,but for the most part if you stay to yourself and mind your business you should be OK,but you definitely gonna get into it or fight with someone guaranteed whether you want to or not.
Why would anyone VOLUNTEER to go to jail????![]()
the mArines problem is everyone gonna try to get him to join up with them then he will have to say no. But I don't think he's worried about getting physical and he seems to be taking it serious. The teacher/stay at home mom about to break down and cry 2nd episodefukk it... I'm IN
Marines wife looks good af... I think he'll have the least problems out of everyone
Teach been watching too much TV... Them dudes plotting to get in his ass.. LITERALLY.
They don't like that cocky smug shyt, either be humble or be crazy but cocky/arrogant will get you in some shyt.
Everyone else is hit or miss. I been institutionalized so I know how shyt goes a lil bit but teacher trippin
You couldn't pay me enough to go back to jail. shyt is bad on your mental. The bordem will drive you insane