2019this. pick a position and be consistent.
2020I hope nikkas is paying attention to what Monster is saying about recidivism (the tendency for felons to recommit crimes) because it's real.
They know these 50 and 60 year olds, that have been keeping the system flourishing for the last 30 years, aren't going to keep coming back to prison, now that they're old men and women, so they gotta replace them to keep the funding coming in.
The reason why Youtube channels like Kev Mac, Infominds, Queenzflip, etc. is poppin right now is because we're living in a time where all the gangstas that are still alive, from the crack era and early gangbangin days, are coming home.
nikkas that caught 25 to Life, 30 years, etc. sentences in the 80s and early 90s are done serving their time and are coming home, telling their stories on these platforms because they know their stories can be monetized.
But, at the same time, the reason the gang/drug shyt is being pushed so heavily to the youngins today is because with all the OG's coming home as old men and women, the Prison Industrial Complex has to fill them slots that they've been occupying, so they're banking on youngins catching these same 25 and 30 year charges to take the place of all the nikkas they locked up in the 80s and 90s.
2021We’re fukked either way.
Both sides used us as pawns now they’re going to compete to see who can be tougher on crime and keep these private prisons stocked since all the dope boys from the 80s/90s are coming home and are too old to keep going back to prison.
It’s all about recidivism.
2022It’s all about recidivism.
Look at the videos.
This ain’t Chief Keef and them jumping around in the living room, these nikkas is all signed to major labels.
These prisons gotta stay full and the generation of 80-00s gangstas that’s been keeping them full for decades is aging out and not coming back.
Right now, they’re socially engineering the next generation of predicate felons using hip hop culture, just like they did the 1st time.
Every single hip hop artist and NBA player is promoting their gang ties heavy right now because the private prisons sucked all the time out of the gang bangers and dope boys of the 80s and 90s and need fresh meat.
I even heard Lupe talkin some gang shyt on a new joint.
Thanks to drill culture promoting traditional west coast and Midwest gangs all over the country, and the “BLM movement” acting as a cover so police departments could drop their guard and watch crime numbers rise like crazy, the prison system will be thriving for decades to come.
And to top it all off, we got a fresh new crime bill coming down the pipeline.
Congrats y’all, we did it again.
Just a few of many warnings.