Africans are either berber,cushytes aka afro-asiatics and bantus, or nilotics

All different people facial structure cultures and language
How do Hausa people speak Afro Asiatic and Nuba people Niger Congo?

Africans are either berber,cushytes aka afro-asiatics and bantus, or nilotics
All different people facial structure cultures and language
You're Somali. I can talk about my mothers land all I want. Worry about your own country like I said.
I'd actually care if @2Quik4UHoes were to tell me I'm not Ethiopian. But a I said, you ain't gotta lie to kick it. Stop trying to lump a whole region together and focus on Somalia.
How do Hausa people speak Afro Asiatic and Nuba people Niger Congo?![]()
Yeah that's why I don't claim it because my so called family treated me the exact same way you are with the "you're not Ethiopian you don't have a tribe" sentiment. But at the end of the day, I support black advancement which includes black Africa and if your country is improving with political stability then good. I applaud that cause that only means better for black peoples as a whole. When one of us wins, all of us do. That's what happened with the Civil Rights Movement, black folks all benefitted. With black folks namely immigrating here which I think is a beautiful thing. Better black immigrants than mestizos and whites imo.
Lool are you oromo tigray or habesh if your father is non of these id say your not Ethiopian your african American be happy
your af am
Btw i do have a say my mother is from the somali ethiopian region yall occupy. Do they consider themselves ethiopian NOPE, but your mothers country does technically you claim us but enough with that i find it kinda wrong but i find it funny your saying this as a af am, wtf do you know about my country nothin
Yeah that's why I don't claim it because my so called family treated me the exact same way you are with the "you're not Ethiopian you don't have a tribe" sentiment. But at the end of the day, I support black advancement which includes black Africa and if your country is improving with political stability then good. I applaud that cause that only means better for black peoples as a whole. When one of us wins, all of us do. That's what happened with the Civil Rights Movement, black folks all benefitted. With black folks namely immigrating here which I think is a beautiful thing. Better black immigrants than mestizos and whites imo.
And yes I am black American and proud. I support the diaspora. I'm married to someone from Cuba, who's father was also a political refugee. I support black Cubans advancing themselves and taking over as well as the world over because the black struggle is universal.
But Europe does contribute to problems that leads people to immigrate there.
Yes, Africans speak many languages. Your point?
Ethnolinguistics (sometimes called cultural linguistics) is a field of linguistics which studies the relationship between language and culture, and the way different ethnic groups perceive the world. It is the combination between ethnology and linguistics.
are berbers nd cushytes thats the yellow region which are lumped into one, if you check our genomes where closely related more so than a bantu and berber or a bantu and cushyte
Outside Europe, E1b1b is found at high frequencies in Morocco (over 80%), Somalia (80%), Ethiopia (40% to 80%), Tunisia (70%), Algeria (60%), Egypt (40%), Jordan (25%), Palestine (20%), and Lebanon (17.5%). On the European continent it has the highest concentration in Kosovo (over 45%), Albania and Montenegro (both 27%), Bulgaria (23%), Macedonia and Greece (both 21%), Cyprus (20%), Sicily (20%), South Italy (18.5%), Serbia (18%) and Romania (15%).
Lool most refugees are poor/lower class ecept those genuinely escaping war like in syria
Poor people migrate in search of opportunities cause they are poor
Middle class and well off folks stay home what part of that is hard to grasp?
Language and Genetics are not the same thing
Fula people live in West Africa, speak a West African language group, but are genetically East African
Nuba people live in East Africa, speak a West African language group, but are genetically East African
Hausa people live in West Africa, speak an East African language group, but are genetically West African
What is your point?
And? They all cluster together when comparing ALL humans. West Africans aren't even Bantu
There are also tons of Bantu/Horner Africans.....I don't even think you are Somali
FYI a West African from Senega, Niger, Mali, Mauritania will be more related to Berbers than a Horner.