That guy is a weirdo but I'm not finding any evidence for this story about their affair. Or any indication that he's a white nationalist. Tweeter might be confusing white nationalism with Christian nationalism (people who think it would be ideal if Christians made all the laws).
White nationalism and Christian nationalism have historically worked hand in hand since at least the 60s
That doesn't make someone a white nationalist. They're two completely different movements with a subset of members who overlap. It's like saying every second amendment activist is a white nationalist.
If you ever do a deep dive into the movement, you'll see it's full of profoundly weird and possibly not very bright people, but many of them clearly have no interest in white nationalism.
Why Are So Many Democrats Backing an Accused Christian Nationalist?
Derrick Peterson claims he’s running for school board in Oregon “to represent diversity." His Christian nationalist ties suggest
I’ll give it a read when I’m not drinking doubles but where are the black Jesuses and Madonnas my guy
@Rhakim if this thread doesn’t sum me up @the cac mamba s life to the T