this thread is directed at the casual android users not the experts. If your phone doesnt work like it use to bring the shyt back to the store. If its a known issue via blog posts then you can take it in your own hands.
stock jelly bean on the nexus 7>>>>
LG nexus is the first phone truly optimized for JB. You neglect to tell people the issues with these Roms smh. Dont tell me that CM 10 is flawless
State these so called issues, I'll wait.
Your 1000 android posts a day are becoming ridiculous.
stock jelly bean on the nexus 7>>>>
LG nexus is the first phone truly optimized for JB. You neglect to tell people the issues with these Roms smh. Dont tell me that CM 10 is flawless
this thread is directed at the casual android users not the experts. If your phone doesnt work like it use to bring the shyt back to the store. If its a known issue via blog posts then you can take it in your own hands.
Please stop!!! If you have any android phone running ICS android 4.0 or above. Rooting is overrated. If you own an old phone that came with gingerbread then root and run a custom rom. Remember when you root and run a custom rom you will spend all your time repairing it and bring it back to normal
People used to root their android phones because of bloated skins from the manufacturers. Blur is now bone stock outside the icons. Sense is semi bloated. Touchwiz is fast. You can disable bloatware now with ICS. Android right now is ahead of the dev community. If you are running ICS on your GS3 or One X and you have no issues leave your phone as is. Go to the playstore and grab a jelly bean launcher. You can get the stock experience by using apps from the playstore. Google now is not enough to brick your phone or to void the warranty. I see people rooting and running custom roms on their nexus 7
Android out the box is great.....
ok if you own a note 2 or a gs3 do you really want it to be faster??
do you want additional customization like toggles that you can get via power toggles
customize your lock screen?? apps for that
only reason to root would be to get on the latest software.
You should of stated that from the start breh. . You were gonna have the true Android tweakers up in arms. I agree with that though. Casual users don't really need to root on 4.0+ at this point.
I be at work bored....the coli is my refugee anyways
Driver issues for one
Gps issues
random issues which has to be fixed via nightly
Exactly why I no longer root... I'm not about that dev life.
Android IS great out of the box. And I think carriers allow tethering now ( which makes sense since they're making people pay per GB these days anyway.... though not me )
I guess you could also get the latest OS update... as long as you don't mind being, essentially, a beta tester, but again, I'm not about that life.
I blame google 100% because Google is so delusional with these vague videos. Samsung had a guy demo the note 2 and show off every single feature top to bottom. They made a video showcasing the features. Google need to be more like samsung and show off the features via commercials. People dont know shyt about the phone unless you had an old android device. The nexus 7 commercials were so poor in showing off the damn tablet. People get their info from TV not youtube. Look at the push the ipad mini will get from apple. Now imagine if people had seen the nexus 7 and google now + google wallet + the price of the nexus 7
Never had any driver issues. I've been flashing custom roms since WinMo days.
My GPS works marvelously.
No issues with nightly's here.
yeah they do with the shared plan
custom rom=beta testers they gave my old evo life with ICS but it had so many issues because if the drivers. Nexusand samsung phones are easy to root. Htc and motorola dont even think about unlocking the bootloader they can track it