There Is Just Some Evil People In This World :wow:

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
No surprise that these pieces of shyt attended church every sunday yet none of them "sistas n brothas" of the church tried to help :mjpls:

Church goers are the biggest hypocrites :beli:


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
Why did they starve only the boys?

Interesting article that gives both sides of the story here

Vanessa and Ray Jackson's Hell House Revisited

Apparently she claims that the boys had experienced psychological trauma and other medical conditions that the adoptive parents were ill equipped to handle.

The oldest one had a history of child abuse and neglect (only some of them were biological related) which caused him to have serious psychological disorders. The article says that the Jacksons claim he may have had some condition called rumination where he would draw the contents of his stomach back up into his mouth, re-chew the regurgitated food, and swallow it again. He would also binge eat as well. :merchant:

Another one they claimed had fetal alcohol syndrome, and another had genetic markers for a small stature but the article states that DYFS still placed the other boys in the home and the Jacksons took them in knowing that their hands were already full with the oldest one.

Eventually they claim that the other boys started following the oldest ones rumination and binge eating

So to protect the boys, the Jacksons locked up the food and put alarms on the refrigerator which explains why no one else were starving in the house.

But wouldn't that mean you should send the boys back if you can not help them
but instead they continued to take checks from the state while allowing these boys to suffer instead of getting the help they need. Wouldn't reasonable people say they are ill equipped to handle supposed psychological disorders which causes the child not to eat.

DYFS just ignored the boys conditions during their inspection and allowed the family to adopt them. If it was true what the Jacksons claim then DYFS should have taken them out of the house and gave them some help since the Jacksons had too many children in their home and could not give these boys the full attention that they deserved.

The State fukked up period and The Jacksons are extremely evil or they were just plain stupid (either way they are guilty) :snoop:

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
^22 heres the issue with that story :comeon:

A year after leaving that house, all four boys gained alot of weight and grew a foot or more taller! That bytch's story does not add abt at all abt the boys having an eating disorder :beli:

Also, it is highly common that foster parents treat other foster kids different from each other! Just because the other kids were eating like a bunch of pigs n getting spoiled rotten does not mean those boys' story was made up abt how the jacksons treated them.

Die slow Mrs. Jackson :pacspit:


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
^22 heres the issue with that story :comeon:

A year after leaving that house, all four boys gained alot of weight and grew a foot or more taller! That bytch's story does not add abt at all abt the boys having an eating disorder :beli:

Also, it is highly common that foster parents treat other foster kids different from each other! Just because the other kids were eating like a bunch of pigs n getting spoiled rotten does not mean those boys' story was made up abt how the jacksons treated them.

Die slow Mrs. Jackson :pacspit:

I feel you Marty that some of their story does not add up but there has to be some truth to it. The oldest ones biological father in the article corroborated the story about his sons eating disorder (really there is no reason for him to lie).

I think that the Jacksons just went overboard and did not seek psych treatment for the oldest one. Them being so spiritual, they did not take that boy to get professional treatment which he definitely needed because they didn't believe in it.

But then again it does not explain the other boys. The oldest one having influence on all four of them does not add up to me.

And also Why the Hell else would the state prosecutor offer such a sweetheart plea deal in which Ms. Jackson only is charged for one count of child endangerment for seven years with a possibility of parole in two years for such a heinous crime that grabbed media headlines. You would think she will get four counts and the max sentence

There is more to this story. They wanted to keep her quiet.

It is beyond me why the jacksons adopted these boys and how the state allowed the adoption to go through while seeing the conditions of the boys. I know kids fall through the cracks but Damn. :mindblown:

Then again, New Jersey may be covering their asses and just scapegoated the shyt out of the Jacksons. Putting all the blame on them. After the discovery, Moved these boys under further state care (now with the proper psych and medical help for these boys) and hope everything would go away (which it did)

I still don't know why there wasn't a massive civil lawsuit by these boys against the State of New Jersey who were entrusted to protect these boys and failed miserably.

Not everything is completely on the adoptive parents in my opinion.

EDIT: Just read the state of New Jersey paid the oldest one 5 million dollars but he is still under heavy supervision. The other brothers have received settlement money as well. The only problem is that the other boys can not contact the oldest one because he is under heavy supervision by a state appointed care team.