There is ALWAYS at least one dude your girl/wife will cheat on you with


May 2, 2012
May 2, 2012
even if it was me? you would still be faithful to ya man? :usure:

:usure: why what would you do differently? :skip:

:ufdup: Point proved.

If you have to ask, then I had a chance.

:dead: I'm single though, and this is only the Internet.



I didn't know you could do that nested quote shyt on VBulletin boards :ooh:

:jawalrus: you're welcome

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Lemme put yall nikkas on truth I've learned...

Shyt is correct in that any woman can cheat and many have...even tho you don't know about it.

When you want to start winning...realize that women have the same urges men do! Took me a long time to realize this. Just like nikkas see a bish wit big thighs and want to get between them, women see a nikka they think have a big dikk and fukk game and want to test that out.

As men over the generations we've been taught that women aren't like that, and women have even bought into this lie. A lie that was started by men to control women. Women are actually the ORIGINAL cheaters! Do some studies on that subject!

All these laws and perceptions we have of women were created by emo ass nikkas in hopes of controlling women and keeping them from finding a bigger dikk.

Women are at war with themselves inside because it's the nature of females of every species to find the best male suitor they can. However our society tells them that once they choose hell with any others that come along and ignore them.

Many women manage this, but you, that husband they stuck with pay the price with that bytching and rationing out of p*ssy.

If any of you are G's for know damn well you have crushed many married or committed women. I know I have, and their husband or S/O didn't have the slightest idea. They usually so caught up believing their girl won't do that!

Any girl will cheat if a man gets the proper situation. Let your girl fukk round and go on a cruise by herself or make business trips. GUARANTEE somebody is gonna tap that ass!

She may fight it for a while, but eventually the stars will align and she will find justification for letting someone tap. And once it happens once, it will happen again.

And that b.s. about mom/pops being together 50 years and not cheating :rudy:. nikkas they cheated like a mofo back in the days. You have men who have families in complete different states. You ever wondered why one of your siblings don't look like the rest of you.....LOL your daddy knows why :wow:!

It's just that in the past they didn't break up as easily as they do today. You just took that L and kept moving.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Its damn near impossible for me to imagine there's not a SOMEBODY out there my girl would leave or cheat on me for....and that's mostly bcuz I know females at the local Price Chopper I would risk losing my family over just to its hard imagining as a man that a woman wouldn't leave you for or fuk sum famous nikka with status and millions who's a nice,funny guy....but that's mostly me putting my nature on to her which ain't really fair...there are women who are loyal to the core though and worryin about sum phantom nikka who may not be out there who wants her azz is silly.

I will say this allllooot of y'all nikkas deal with these women who want attention,love waaaaay to much from the outside world and people that ain't you....those type of women chances are or looking to upgrade every moment of the day to boost they status...these ol busy doin dumb shyt so they can look active on instagram bytchez.....if ya chick on facebook all the damn time she's one of these women and you need to drop her immediately.....oh you wanna model sexy outfits on twitter:mjpls: she's on of these women and you should drop her if she's ya woman....She in the club all the time:wtb: you already know this shouldn't be ya woman....She friends with every god damn body this chick just wanna be popular can't be trusted and should not be ya woman....she's not picky about who she's friends with means shell take advice from any of these dumb single hos who will have her tryna cheat on you so she can be ran thru like them.:russ:....if she tryna look cute ALL the time good chance she's one of these women too.

I got me a cute antisocial baby mama,who got a small circle of friends I've met and family she chill wit....don't mind goin outside lookin extra regular and ain't extra friendly and could come off as a bytch til u get to know her.....I ain't saying she ain't cheated cuz only god knows but I'm just about positive....but the fact she's sure I've cheated will makes me always suspect....once women know you've cheated they always keep that free pass in they pocket I believe....that absolves them of all guilt they would normally have imo....the thoughts of how it would hurt you they would normally have,and thoughts of consequences all goes out the window cuz u did it to them before so they feel they get a freebie.

And PS women that's why its worse when u cheat bcuz you do normally think about our feelings first and weigh the consequences BEFORE you cheat on us...we don't be thinkin about y'all when we do it til after we bust the nut and have to decide whether we should keep cheating with the other woman or chalk it up as a mistake and wash our hands.

T'Kuvma Da Unforgettable

My Wallabies attract bowlegged b1tches
Jun 23, 2012
U nikkas straight up wifing smuts off these skreets "oh im change her ways"

No wonder u think like this

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Only thing a nygga can do is handle your bizness with your chick, in the bedroom, financially, be THE MAN in the relationship at all times and just hope that she never cheats on u. There is absolutely nothin u can do to prevent your broad from cheatin. Nygaz be thinknin that they have this innocent, sweet woman at home that will never cheat. But let me tell y'all, some females be gettin their backs blown out, then goin home to their bf's like nothin happened. I've personaly fucced with byytches who have had a nygga, but they were lettin me rail the shhyt out of em. Goin home and kissin their dude in the mouth and watchin a movie together:snoop:


All Star
Jul 15, 2012
Its damn near impossible for me to imagine there's not a SOMEBODY out there my girl would leave or cheat on me for....and that's mostly bcuz I know females at the local Price Chopper I would risk losing my family over just to its hard imagining as a man that a woman wouldn't leave you for or fuk sum famous nikka with status and millions who's a nice,funny guy....but that's mostly me putting my nature on to her which ain't really fair...there are women who are loyal to the core though and worryin about sum phantom nikka who may not be out there who wants her azz is silly.

I will say this allllooot of y'all nikkas deal with these women who want attention,love waaaaay to much from the outside world and people that ain't you....those type of women chances are or looking to upgrade every moment of the day to boost they status...these ol busy doin dumb shyt so they can look active on instagram bytchez.....if ya chick on facebook all the damn time she's one of these women and you need to drop her immediately.....oh you wanna model sexy outfits on twitter:mjpls: she's on of these women and you should drop her if she's ya woman....She in the club all the time:wtb: you already know this shouldn't be ya woman....She friends with every god damn body this chick just wanna be popular can't be trusted and should not be ya woman....she's not picky about who she's friends with means shell take advice from any of these dumb single hos who will have her tryna cheat on you so she can be ran thru like them.:russ:....if she tryna look cute ALL the time good chance she's one of these women too.

I got me a cute antisocial baby mama,who got a small circle of friends I've met and family she chill wit....don't mind goin outside lookin extra regular and ain't extra friendly and could come off as a bytch til u get to know her.....I ain't saying she ain't cheated cuz only god knows but I'm just about positive....but the fact she's sure I've cheated will makes me always suspect....once women know you've cheated they always keep that free pass in they pocket I believe....that absolves them of all guilt they would normally have imo....the thoughts of how it would hurt you they would normally have,and thoughts of consequences all goes out the window cuz u did it to them before so they feel they get a freebie.

And PS women that's why its worse when u cheat bcuz you do normally think about our feelings first and weigh the consequences BEFORE you cheat on us...we don't be thinkin about y'all when we do it til after we bust the nut and have to decide whether we should keep cheating with the other woman or chalk it up as a mistake and wash our hands.

nikka she knows you cheated and y'all still together and you think she hasn't? fukk outta here b :russ: The only reason she able to stay with u is because she done already had another or a couple of other dikks in here so she thinking well we're even :manny:

Thats why if I have an extended irrational period where im dumb enough to fukk up things with my wife by cheating, if she ever finds out in deading the shyt myself. I'm not sticking around to catch that revenge ether chicks cook up

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
nikka she knows you cheated and y'all still together and you think she hasn't? fukk outta here b :russ: The only reason she able to stay with u is because she done already had another or a couple of other dikks in here so she thinking well we're even :manny:

Thats why if I have an extended irrational period where im dumb enough to fukk up things with my wife by cheating, if she ever finds out in deading the shyt myself. I'm not sticking around to catch that revenge ether chicks cook up

:sadcam: she's a very forgiving person:damn:

She only knows of me doin it a long time ago,I would feel better believing she already did it and got it out the way while we wuz just dating before she had my kid and we moved in together.....this is official now...its the fact I don't think she did that got me lookin over my shoulder for that revenge ether you speak of:russ:.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

*looks up gook* :pacspit: this site is type racist, I learn new slurs everyday :rolleyes: :trash:

this thread lets me know they have taken any idea of history or war.

out of the minds of this gen.

when i was growing up gook was the word.

white people relished in being able to say feely in this country.

without fear or harm like if they said, nikka.
it was everywhere.......

art barr