unbelievable shyt. You cannot tell me she hasn't fooled her "fiance" and his family either. I bet he is worth a bundle. How else can she afford to pay for her trial?
One section of the complaint says Holmes falsely claimed in 2014 that the company had annual revenues of $100 million, a thousand times more than the actual figure of $100,000.[18] Theranos and Holmes agreed to resolve the charges against them, with Holmes paying a fine of $500,000, returning the remaining 18.9 million shares that she held, relinquishing her control of the company, and being barred from being an officer or director of any public company for ten years
I finally watched the HBO documentary on Theranos this weekend and its amazing how long she was able to string all these well connected people along for so long.
Proof that p*ssy is the most powerful thing in this world. All these old and middle aged men saw was some cute big eyed optimistic blonde with an out of this world idea that defied medical procedures and physics.
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