Knicks fan/movie director Spike Lee, of all people, showed up at the Heats media availability nine hours before Game 7, but no Heat player agreed to do an interview with him Thursday morning for a video project that he was trying to put together for ABCs broadcast. According to ABC, Lee wanted to do a short variation of his 1998 movie, He Got Game, which featured Ray Allen playing the role of fictitious character Jesus Shuttlesworth, the nations top basketball prospect. Denzel Washington played Allens father.
Allen declined Lees interview request Thursday morning because he does not speak after shootarounds.
Mario Chalmers and Shane Battier, who do speak after shoot-arounds, also declined Lees request, as did Mike Miller.
Heat players might have been more willing to participate if Lee had approached them Wednesday, a practice day.
An ABC spokesman said because of timing issues, Lees project did not materialize.
Lee shook Heat coach Erik Spoelstras hand Thursday morning and wished him luck.
But last August, Lee told MTV News that if the Knicks did not win the championship this season: I rather the Lakers win it than the Heat. I do not want the Heat to win back to back. Hell, no.
Miami Heat players turn down interviews with Spike Lee - Miami Heat -
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