Wade looks great but can he please not play the 2nd half. it only takes one bad slip.
@Alexander The Great what is the social group name?
@((ReFleX)) @AkaDemiK @Alex Cross @alpo @ANewClassic @Brief Keef @Brooklynzson @Christian3o5 @Da_Eggman @dem bath salts @Francium @G.O.A.T @gator_king @Goat poster @havoc @He Who Posts Well @iamduval @iZzo @Jax @Jesus Shuttlesworth @Joe Sixpack @Rain @OG_StankBrefs @Prince Akeem @ThugLife @TheGregReaper
ya'll go to the social group and vote on the thread title
and eveyone else that I missed...it's alot of you mothefukkers