I hope we can pickup Greg Oden over the offseason even if dude is a project. Bringing in all these old
veterans towards the end of the year doesn't really seem to change anything. Although Birdman has been pretty decent lately 

Now we got to ask the question
When/If does the streak end?
Now we got to ask the question
When/If does the streak end?
Now we got to ask the question
When/If does the streak end?
I hope we can pickup Greg Oden over the offseason even if dude is a project. Bringing in all these oldveterans towards the end of the year doesn't really seem to change anything. Although Birdman has been pretty decent lately
Gabrielle Union ‏@itsgabrielleu
Everybody has a past. Change is possible. People can evolve. Today you are your authentic self...so let's ride!