Their Beloved Bernie Sanders Is Not Here For -- Nor Likes -- Black People

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I am also over Black people agreeing with White people that someone isn't racist because they had a photo opp during the Civil Rights Movement. Or because they endorsed a Black candidate at one time. That doesn't mean they aren't racist.

Bernie is the worst. Jews are White. Jews can also be White Supremacist.
Jews got what they wanted out of the Civil Rights Movement, and have no further use for Black people......AA or nonAA.

Except to use "I marched/my father marched with MLK" line to prove that they aren't racist.


Aug 6, 2015
Jews got what they wanted out of the Civil Rights Movement, and have no further use for Black people......AA or nonAA.

Except to use "I marched/my father marched with MLK" line to prove that they aren't racist.

And the right to be over all Civil Rights Orgs.

Who do you think should be the frontrunner out of everyone so far?

I don't like Kamala -- cause she will be another Obama. Her views showcase that.
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Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
I personally think hasn't put her eggs in anyones basket. I hope not. I think she is educating people to call these candidates to task and ask for something specific.

Bernie will not win the Black vote. He doesn't even try to hide his distain for Black people -- it's out in the open. He's annoyed, tired and frustrated if any Black person asks him anything. He sees us as a burden and a non-factor.

Biden is just as racist - but he can fake out front. Bernie can't. But, Biden racism history is going to be on full blast as well.

Personally, I don't see anyone who is frontrunner for ADOS. But, I pray we put heat on them in the coming 19 months.

Only Tariq and that other Black Authority person is "preaching reparations or no vote" -- she and Tone is not telling anyone that.
no agenda no vote coulda also mean for a particular candidate
not the election

just saying

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
And the right to be over all Civil Rights Orgs.

Who do you think should be the frontrunner out of everyone so far.

I don't like Kamala -- cause she will be another Obama. Her views showcase that.
I'm most familiar with Booker and his strengths /weaknesses versus the other candidates. I think he might be added on ticket as VP.
Though I agree with a lot of Warren's points.

I try to wait until everybody has declared, and then compare their voting records and platforms.

My problem with Trump isn't so much that he is a racist bogeyman that must be stopped (and Dems.need to stop using that scare tactic) My problem is that he is in over his head and doesn't know what he's doing. His incompetence is what's going to damage the country/economy, not his views about race.

Who would you support if the election was held tomorrow?


Aug 6, 2015
I'm most familiar with Booker and his strengths /weaknesses versus the other candidates. I think he might be added on ticket as VP.
Though I agree with a lot of Warren's points.

I try to wait until everybody has declared, and then compare their voting records and platforms.

My problem with Trump isn't so much that he is a racist bogeyman that must be stopped (and Dems.need to stop using that scare tactic) My problem is that he is in over his head and doesn't know what he's doing. His incompetence is what's going to damage the country/economy, not his views about race.

Who would you support if the election was held tomorrow?

I guess Booker or Warren. But, Marianne if she was on the ticket. We know that's not going to happen though.

Yeah, Trump hasn't directly affected me. And I see all whites as racist -- so I don't care about that -- he's just doing what they do.

But, Dems are playing with Reparations. They don't wanna really do it. At this point - we are going to have to be a little more vocal and possibly radical.


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4

Bernie more than likely still has these feelings, and more than likely took part in the civil rights movement on some savior tip. Probably felt he needed to be there and fight to save the poor, smelly, dumb, blacks. He literally gets upset and aggravated when anything that could truly help us is even brought up.

I don’t let any of those “Bernie Bros” fool me, either. A good portion of them either didn’t vote last election, and have actively defended Trump through all his nonsense. I’ll never forget, through my perusing of another board, the Trump supporters/voters who said they would’ve voted for Bernie if it would’ve been Bernie vs Trump.


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
If I had to vote today; outside of MW and maybe Castro, I’d probably go Booker.

While it’s not enough, and should be for us specifically, I do like his baby bonds plan. That could really help us out.

This whole movement, and really learning of the racial gap disparity, has had me re-evaluate my politics. Although, I’ve always voted Democrat, I’ve said on here how I’m a conservative guy; both economically and socially. While I will always be that socially, I’ve realized I will have to relax on my stances some economically. We need help, and that help won’t cone from the government being conservative with the checkbook, or from “small” government. It’s going to take trillions to get us whole again. Once our debt is paid, then I’ll possibly go back, but right now I am open to our government expanding. I’ve also been sold on a lot of the universal benefits that have been thrown around, so I may not go back to my old ways. Those universal benefits have to take a back seat, though. Pay us what is owed first.


Dec 16, 2015
@xoxodede doing God's work today.

As a socialist, I am always vigilante regarding White socialists because of their inherent entitledness and race blindness. For Whites, socialism is like an add-on to their already wealthy lives. I see socialism as a liberating economic policy for Black people. ADOS people would have to be the leader of any socialist movement in the USA because you can't trust White people to not confiscate the wealth of the USA for their own benefit.

The problem with Whites and their brand of socialism, they act as if everybody was not a wage slave, then racism and sexism will just melt away. They act as if capitalism caused these things and just get rid of capitalism, then everything will be fine. Bigotry and institutional oppression is a human thing, it is in our DNA, it is how we justify a lot of bullshyt that we do to each other. Everybody has bigoted thoughts and bigoted beliefs and do bigoted things. Everybody knows not to be a bigot or be discriminatory, we do it anyway.

I don't believe in that check your privilege bullshyt or that we need to censor people but we do need to confront the cold hard, material ramifications of institutional oppression and bigoted attitudes. I don't care about jokes and shyt but I do care about because a White hiring manager thinks Black people are stupid therefore he'll pay them less or grade them harsher. White socialists have a hard time understanding capitalism won't fix the inherent biases and stereotypes and disadvantages that persons of color have, especially ADOS people.

In all in all, the socialist struggle in the USA always was more tolerant of Black people, despite their own brand of class reductionist racism. ADOS people are mostly working class and working poor people and therefore they need us. There is no such thing as a rich socialist.

Only way I would vote for Bernie is if he comes arounds to reparations and actually talks about it. All these Democratic candidates are gonna steal his policies and throw reparations on top it in their discussions. Other than his total disregard for ADOS people, he is a good candidate for working class people because he has the political will to do it. He's an old prejudice White man but he wouldn't be the first White man that got biases and prejudices against Black people. We are gonna have to poke and prod and push him to do right by us.

Here is what the most prominent socialist in the USA in the early 1900s, Eugene Debs said about Black people and the role of Black people in the socialist struggle in the USA. See the class reductionism.

The Negro In The Class Struggle—1903
I have said and say again that, properly speaking, there is no Negro question outside of the labor question—the working class struggle. Our position as Socialists and as a party is perfectly plain. We have simply to say: “The class struggle is colorless.” The capitalists, white, black and other shades, are on one side and the workers, white, black and all other colors, on the other side.

When Marx said: “Workingmen of all countries unite,” he gave concrete expression to the socialist philosophy of the class struggle; unlike the framers of the Declaration of Independence who announced that “all men are created equal” and then basely repudiated their own doctrine, Marx issued the call to all the workers of the globe, regardless of race, sex, creed or any other condition whatsoever.

As a social party we receive the Negro and all other races upon absolutely equal terms. We are the party of the working class, the whole working class, and we will not suffer ourselves to be divided by any specious appeal to race prejudice; and if we should be coaxed or driven from the straight road we will be lost in the wilderness and ought to perish there, for we shall no longer be a Socialist party.

Let the capitalist press and capitalist “public opinion” indulge themselves in alternate flattery and abuse of the Negro; we as Socialists will receive him in our party, treat him in our counsels and stand by him all around the same as if his skin were white instead of black; and this we do, not from any considerations of sentiment, but because it accords with the philosophy of Socialism, the genius of the class struggle, and is eternally right and bound to triumph in the end.

With the “’******” question, the “’race war” from the capitalist viewpoint we have nothing to do. In capitalism the Negro question is a grave one and will grow more threatening as the contradictions and complications of capitalist society multiply, but this need not worry us. Let them settle the Negro question in their way, if they can. We have nothing to do with it, for that is their fight. We have simply to open the eyes of as many Negroes as we can and bring them into the Socialist movement to do battle for emancipation from wage slavery, and when the working class have triumphed in the class struggle and stand forth economic as well as political free men, the race problem will forever disappear.

Socialists should with pride proclaim their sympathy with and fealty to the black race, and if any there be who hesitate to avow themselves in the face of ignorant and unreasoning prejudice, they lack the true spirit of the slavery-destroying revolutionary movement.

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Jan 29, 2017
I’m gonna be honest I don’t pay much attention to dude but that clip from the Breakfast Club interview let me know everything I needed to. His uncomfort, his body language regarding reparations and how quickly he dismissed it. He can’t hide the disdain.

I’m all for this, keep the foot on their necks and see if they’re really about more than the same ol same ol. When money is on the table, the real will always comes out.


Dec 16, 2015
I’m gonna be honest I don’t pay much attention to dude but that clip from the Breakfast Club interview let me know everything I needed to. His uncomfort, his body language regarding reparations and how quickly he dismissed it. He can’t hide the disdain.

I’m all for this, keep the foot on their necks and see if they’re really about more than the same ol same ol. When money is on the table, the real will always comes out.

I don't if it is his accent but he really be acting like he hates and is bitter towards Black people when that gets brought up, like we should be thankful that he is including us in his plans.

I be paying attention to his supporters and everything and they be like, "Bernie is just so honest, that he isn't willing to lie like these other liberal Democrats."

All Bernie really has to say, "I do believe descendants of American slaves deserve reparations and I will look into seeing how that is possible. I stand for all working people and the underclasses of the United States and it is not right that wages and wealth were stolen from the people that built this great and wonderful country."

And he would be flawless. But he's let his stubbornness on this issue just ruin his name out here in these streets. Once you get called a racist and you aren't a Republican, it is over. He is already considered a sexist by the liberal Democrats. :yeshrug:

Maybe we should thank Bernie though because he is the reason why reparations are being talked about so much lately, because the liberal Democrats decided to agree to reparations just to fukk with him and call him a racist. It is a cold game. :wow:


Nov 18, 2016
The 10th Planet
Bernie was in North Charleston, and I might’ve seen 2 or 3 black faces in a sea of white faces.

I really don’t see him getting the black vote, especially here in the south, at all.
Yup. When It comes to black people and race, Sanders makes a lot of unforced errors. And not to be ageist but dudes old, so hes more likely to be a lot more focused on very specific agendas with out straying from them.
It's why people can pull up videos of him talking about healthcare for all, and free college, from decades ago, But when It comes to things like closing the wealth gap in America he's clueless.