And, if so, how do you reconcile the USSR and China moving closer to capitalism as their socialist systems matured?
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding capitalism, socialism, communism and Marx's thoughts and overall the thoughts of socialists and communists...
Communists and socialists believe in conflict and revolution that occurs due to contradictions...
Capitalism is a necessary stage to develop Socialism and Communism...
Marx said that socioeconomic systems are consistently overthrown in the long march toward communism...
So before you had a hunter-gathering society that was overthrown my slave/agricultural society, that was overthrown by feudalism, that was overthrown by capitalism and capitalism would be overthrown by socialism and socialism would be overthrown by communism....a stateless, classless human society...
Marx believed that communism would first appear in the West....due to the West already being an industrialized capitalistic society with stable governments. And the contradictions within capitalistic society would lead to agitate and revolution which was partly kinda true because the USA and Germany was on the verge of socialism in the 20s and 30s but capitalism is a very resilient and adaptable economic system.
shyt there were even talks of guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare in the USA throughout the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s...but the USA is a capitalist stronghold...
The USSR, China and Cuba were actually aberrations. USSR was feudalistic society that had royalty. China was an agricultural society. Cuba was a plantation based society.
So they skipped stages...
China and USSR did things at an accelerated rate after a revolution and civil war. USSR became a world power within 50 years. China became the world's biggest economy within 60 years.
And this was done because USSR and China understood that socialism and communism wasn't just gonna appear out of thin air.
China and USSR still had all the hallmarks of socialist/communist regime....centralized state power, state ownership of the commanding heights of the economy, planned economics, and one-party rule.
China is currently shifting from a production hub to a destination where goods will be shipped to and sold. That is what they are trying to do. They are trying to develop a middle class (and it is going really well btw) because without a middle class, their own enterprises and economy cannot sustain itself. A society that merely produces things but never have their own citizens consume any goods and services can't survive.
Eventually there will be another revolution in China and it is already starting...
‘Flee at Once’: China’s Besieged Human Rights Lawyers
China has a very shytty judicial system and a shytty human rights track record towards it's own citizens. The next step for China is creating a system of rights and having the rule of law instead of the rule of the party.