‘The Zone of Interest’ (A24) | dir. by Jonathan Glazer


Jun 26, 2014
Hollywood Joos are pissed off with Glazer!
“Hard to blacklist me when I usually take 10 years to drop my films.”


THE 101

House Painter
May 9, 2012

Zionists so fukking desperate.

And it's a list of mostly bums and no names

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
This is one of the best films I've seen in a while. If you're a student of history then you'll love this because it is a masterclass in showing how people can be capable of pure evil if they're convinced that they're not.

He spoke in detail about what he wanted while he was on the phone. The person on the other end was writing it down.

They had the designs and plans for the gas chambers and crematorium drawn up and carefully planned.

The lie that got put in the history books was that the people in Germany were just pawns who didn't know any better. They knew. Not just the Germans, but the French, Czech, polish, etc. Who eagerly turned in people they used to see every day over to the nazis to be murdered.

And you see that exact mundanity in the midst of pure evil happening right now with Israel. The timing of this movie is fukking perfect. There are Israelis right now living close to the Gaza strip. They know children are burning to death in buildings and being crushed by rubble all whilst they enjoy their meals and go about their business.

Some characters in the movie had too much humanity. That part on your brain that recognizes that something is fukked up just couldn't be turned off for one character in particular(Hedwigs mother). The stench of corpses, and the ashes coming down from the crematorium was too much for her and she had to leave.

Hedwig herself getting mad and REFUSING to accept the transfer and WANTING to stay living next to the concentration camp. They knew and they didn't care because they were concerned about their own needs and desires. This is how evil thrives in a society.


Aug 6, 2012
The lie that got put in the history books was that the people in Germany were just pawns who didn't know any better. They knew. Not just the Germans, but the French, Czech, polish, etc. Who eagerly turned in people they used to see every day over to the nazis to be murdered.

And you see that exact mundanity in the midst of pure evil happening right now with Israel. The timing of this movie is fukking perfect. There are Israelis right now living close to the Gaza strip. They know children are burning to death in buildings and being crushed by rubble all whilst they enjoy their meals and go about their business.

Some characters in the movie had too much humanity. That part on your brain that recognizes that something is fukked up just couldn't be turned off for one character in particular(Hedwigs mother). The stench of corpses, and the ashes coming down from the crematorium was too much for her and she had to leave.

Hedwig herself getting mad and REFUSING to accept the transfer and WANTING to stay living next to the concentration camp. They knew and they didn't care because they were concerned about their own needs and desires. This is how evil thrives in a society.
Your break down of the movie remind me of the banality of evil

The banality of evil is a term coined by political theorist Hannah Arendt. Arendt uses the banality of evil to explain the particular psychology of a totalitarian evil. Arendt argues that modern bureaucracies facilitate a kind of self-delusion whereby participants in evil systems do not recognize or acknowledge their participation or culpability in totalitarian regimes. The banality of evil does not look like an evil we recognize. Arendt advances this theory in her seminal work Eichmann in Jerusalem.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Your break down of the movie remind me of the banality of evil

That's exactly what I was thinking about when I was watching it. The way that he goes about his daily routine and his business like just some shift supervisor at a factory. Clocking in and out, making calls to his boss, etc. If you put him in a dress shirt and slacks and told the audience that he works at a government building, you'd think this was just a regular drama about a man who is devoted to his job and family but has to move so he can continue working and impress his boss.

And that's exactly what makes this so dangerous. He was going about his business like a person who did not care that he was killing thousands and thousands of people. They built the camps like they'd build parks, they built gas chambers like they'd build change rooms at a pool, they built crematoriums like they'd build the pool itself. BMW, Volkswagen, Adidas, Hugo Boss...big brands all "did their part" in mobilizing their resources to make sure as many people as possible could be killed.

People talking about the movie being boring are missing the forest for the trees. That's exactly the point. This isn't some regional manager at an Amazon fulfilment center, this is a genocidal killer who treats his work with the same perspective that the regional manager would. He wasn't a soldier shooting back at armed combatants, he was a guy making phone calls and going to meetings and approving actions that he knew would kill people. He's playing with his dog, taking his kids out for trips on his down time, living a "normal" life while people are brutally killed around him on his orders.

I think deep down there's a sense of shame and fear that the nazis and the society that enabled, supported, and even celebrated them was at one point just a regular community. Any country can devolve into the organized, mundane brutality that Nazi Germany wreaked throughout Europe. These weren't jackals obsessed with blood and violence. They were business owners who realized with the Jewish banker dead, he could make more money with less competition. They were actors who realized with the Jewish directors and actors dead, they had less competition for roles. They were home makers who realized with the jewish wives and mothers in their neighborhoods dead, THEY would be, by default the best cook, the wealthiest household, the cleanest home etc. These were people acting in their own self interest without caring about what would be happening to the people that were once their employees, their bosses, their rivals, and their neighbors. They saw an opportunity to build themselves up and become something special.

And the same mindset those people had exists today. You see it with people wanting to curtail ANY program that puts black people on an even footing to white people. Any media that shows black people in a nuanced light. If a fascist government came to power in America and decided it would kill and enslave all black people, Zuckerberg would hand over the profiles. Musk would send out the details of black twitter users including their locations, etc. The irritating cac at your job would be calling the hotline or sending an email. Your boss would be doing the same. People you thought were your friends, but who may have felt jealous of your level of financial security or good relationship with your partner/family/children will reveal your location. People in America like to think they'd be this guy:

but in reality, they'd be everyone else. They'd want to maintain their job by not speaking out against the people in charge. They'd want to move up the ranks because there's less competition. And when all is said and done, in their shame they'll lie and say they had no idea what they were doing and act like they had mixed feelings or didn't want to be part of what was happening.

The last message Aaron Bushnell wrote before setting himself on fire:
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, “What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?”

The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now."

That's what's happening in Israel right now. There are people fully aware of what their government and those who act on their orders are doing right now. They can see the same tik toks we see. They can see the same news from Al Jazeera and other outlets, they have access to all the same knowledge we do and they turn a blind eye because not doing so means having to deal with the fact that they'd be complicit in the same kind of hatred, brutality, and just straight up evil that nazis did to their ancestors except now on someone else. Germans though they were "saving" europe from an "enemy" that has hurt people for generations. They thought they were putting out a "solution" to a "problem" with the use of the modern technology and that if they didn't do this, their 'enemies' would infiltrate and destroy them. It's shocking seeing the same kind of propaganda and radicalization techniques the Nazis used being deployed by Israel. People with a grand total of 6 braincells will of course say "how can you compare the two! there are no gas chambers, no crematoriums! No concentration camps!"

But which is worse? being forced to starve, die of disease, and be bombed constantly and have to watch everyone you care about die in the most brutal and traumatizing ways you can think of, then turn on your phone to watch the people doing that laugh about it on tik tok and make memes and jokes about the deaths of everyone that you know and be forced to watch as world media continues to make excuse for the monsters killing BABIES, or being sent to a camp never to be seen again and killed with gas then burned and turned to ashes. Both are horrific, but Gaza has been an open air prison for years and a hotbed of disease, death, and violence. A crime isn't a crime after the perpetrator has been caught, it is a crime WHEN THE DAMAGE IS DONE.


All Star
May 24, 2022
Dade County
Somehow the wife's role comes off more disgusting to me than her husband's role of being the administrator of the camp/murders.

Non participatory, but egging him on to do more. Even offended at the thought of being relocated.

Sadly I can imagine plenty of people, currently, black or white, being like that.

Super dark, very realistic, unfortunately extremely relevant.


Can't trust every face you gotta watch em
May 1, 2012
Hard watch but I understand what he was going for

That’s real life that’s probably exactly how they lived


May 8, 2012
The movie I thought about probably the most from last year. Best of 2023

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Great film. The banality of the bureaucracy, petty work place rivalries, and family drama in the forefront was stunning to me. This is what evil looks like for most people who are involved in it. By that point of the war a German could go about his daily life without directly seeing any cruelty, while simutaneously fueling the (literal) machines that exterminated them. I'd imagine it was similar in the south during slavery. If you were a white person working in town you might not directly see anything because the plantations were miles away. But you would know. And it would just be normal to you...you wouldn't give a shyt.

The ending was jaw dropping. It was as if he got a glimpse of the future and still chose to descend deeper into that building.


Feb 28, 2018
Great film. The banality of the bureaucracy, petty work place rivalries, and family drama in the forefront was stunning to me. This is what evil looks like for most people who are involved in it. By that point of the war a German could go about his daily life without directly seeing any cruelty, while simutaneously fueling the (literal) machines that exterminated them. I'd imagine it was similar in the south during slavery. If you were a white person working in town you might not directly see anything because the plantations were miles away. But you would know. And it would just be normal to you...you wouldn't give a shyt.

The ending was jaw dropping. It was as if he got a glimpse of the future and still chose to descend deeper into that building.
He was also coughing and gagging while walking down the stairs because he was later hung to death for his crimes