And gonna pay her $69 million...They made her aoologize and then they canned her??
If she was bringing in great ratings she would still be there.The Wall Street Journal reported that the audience for "Megyn Kelly Today" is 18% smaller than the audience for NBC's previous hosts in her spot, Tamron Hall and Al Roker, and that Hall and Roker had a combined salary of less than half of what Kelly is now making when they had the 9 a.m. spot last year.
Nothing 'slippery' about it.This is a slippery slope, it's cool when ppl we dont agree with get fired but when its used to fire someone we like it's a problem.
This was just the straw that broke the camel's back. She must have been horrible behind the scenes for them to just pay out her contract.
Cenk needs to be more concerned about his keeping his own network afloat.
They blew through $2 million in venture capital money and had to cancel half their shows.
Wasn’t her ratings already in the garbage though?