Where's that Kobe.soft gif?
The Marks are now in the ring ...and the front office
They need one vision. This whole you handle this division and yall book the tag teams isn't working. Not a cohesive product which is why storylines are null and void after 2 weeks. It looks like they don't know what they are doing. Had months to pre book all this shyt before TV started.All i see are empty seats everywhere
Smart move. Twitter is legitimately the worst.
All i see are empty seats everywhere
The Marks are now in the ring ...and the front office
No different from Vince basically being a ring competitor for 20 years. Bischoff co main evented Starcade with Zybisco and Paul E use to hit mofos in the back in the head with telephones in ECW.. CEOs getting involved with talent isnt nothing new
All i see are empty seats everywhere